k | num | v's |
g_district | 1 | Суджанский район (1), |
g_geocoded | 1 | Курская область, Суджанский район, Горналь (1), |
g_region | 1 | Курская область (1), |
g_settl | 1 | Горналь (1), |
gaelic_games:football | 1 | yes (1), |
gambling | 5 | casino (2), slot_machines (3), |
garages:type | 2 | sheds (2), |
garden | 1 | rA (1), |
garden:style | 2643 | kitchen (2634), residential (7), rosarium (2), |
garden:type | 2914 | Fruit_trees_garden (1), arboretum (9), botanical (25), commercial (1), community (1331), flowerbed (180), flowers (4), fruit (1), kitchen (14), landscaping (25), monastery (1), municipal (1), private (41), privatevergleichtool_für_große_plandatenmengen (1), public (139), residental (9), residential (1064), rock_garden (1), rosegarden (2), school (62), vegetable_garden (2), |
gas | 21 | pipeline (1), station (1), sub_station (6), substation (10), valve (2), yes (1), |
gas_insulated | 6 | yes (6), |
gate | 4 | yes (4), |
gate:type | 79 | boom (1), chain (2), double (8), rolling (1), single (1), sliding (16), sliding_gate (42), swing (3), swing_gate (2), turning (1), wicket (2), |
gatech:PRKG_NUM | 1 | E65 (1), |
gauge | 52182 | 1000 (149), 1067 (12), 1067;1435 (1), 1200 (6), 1435 (4622), 1435/1520 (5), 1435;1520 (231), 1435;1600 (1), 1445 (6), 1450 (2), 1495 (7), 1520 (46245), 1524 (297), 1581 (1), 1600 (15), 1668 (29), 1676 (15), 700 (1), 750 (469), 750 mm (1), 750;1520 (3), 760 (58), 762 (1), 914 (5), |
gauge:1889-10-18-1943 | 2 | 760 (2), |
gauge:1902-09-15-1980-10-20 | 1 | 760 (1), |
gauge:1920-06-07-1969-12-31 | 2 | 760 (2), |
gauge:1987-09-26- | 1 | 760 (1), |
gay | 1 | welcome (1), |
gay:men | 1 | yes (1), |
gay:transgender | 1 | yes (1), |
gay:women | 1 | yes (1), |
gdot:grip | 12 | SR 32 (1), Sunbelt Parkway (1), US 280 (1), US 441 (9), |
gender | 2 | female (1), male (1), |
gender_segregated | 14 | no (3), yes (11), |
generator | 1 | power (1), |
generator:method | 17991 | combustion (345), fission (15), gasification (1), motor_generator (3), photovoltaic (16352), pyrolysis (1), run-of-the-river (23), solar (9), stream (2), thermal (35), water-pumped-storage (2), water-storage (7), wind_turbine (1196), |
generator:output | 7 | electricity (3), hot_water (3), yes (1), |
generator:output:battery_charging | 1 | yes (1), |
generator:output:biogas | 1 | yes (1), |
generator:output:cold_water | 5 | yes (5), |
generator:output:electricity | 17108 | 0.48 MW (1), 0.85 MW (2), 0.959 MW (1), 1 GW (3), 1 MW (5), 1 МW (1), 1.0 MW (1), 1.1 MW (1), 1.48 MW (1), 1.5 MW (14), 1.72 MW (1), 10 MW (1), 10 kW (2), 110 kW (1), 1341 kW (1), 15 W (1), 160 kW (1), 1670 kW (10), 168.0 (1), 1880 kW (1), 2 GW (3), 2,5 MW (4), 2.0 MW (1), 2.2 MW (1), 2.4 MW (1), 2.5 MW (6), 2.82 MW (2), 200 MW (8), 200 kW (1), 210 MW (2), 227 kW (1), 250 MW (2), 3 MW (4), 3.00 MW (1), 3.45 MW (6), 3.6 MW (4), 3.8 MW (26), 300 MW (4), 300 kW (1), 30kW (1), 32 MW (1), 36 MW (1), 3×37;3×41.5 MW (1), 4.2 MW (15), 4.5 MW (4), 40 MW (1), 40 W (1), 4000 kW (1), 444 MW (1), 45 (1), 48.0 (1), 4950 kW (1), 5 MW (1), 5 kW (18), 50 MW (1), 50 kW (1), 58 MW (11), 600 kW (2), 6198 kW (1), 650kW (1), 800 MW (3), 850 kW (2), 88 kW (1), 880 MW (1), 950 MW (6), <1 kW (1), small_installation (56), yes (16843), yes/kW (1), |
generator:output:heat | 4 | small_installation (1), yes (3), |
generator:output:hot_air | 6 | yes (6), |
generator:output:hot_water | 261 | gate (1), hot_water (2), yes (258), |
generator:output:steam | 52 | 10t/hours (1), yes (51), |
generator:place | 14 | backrest (1), roof (13), |
generator:plant | 81 | output (81), |
generator:solar:modules | 4 | 2 (1), 5 (1), 8 (2), |
generator:source | 18397 | biofuel (14), biogas (10), biomass (12), coal (78), diesel (12), electricity (1), gas (171), gas;oil (2), gasoline (1), generator (1), hydro (56), nuclear (15), oil (4), solar (16719), wind (1300), wood (1), |
generator:type | 17402 | FL_2500/100 (3), RBMK-1000 (4), VVER (12), bioreactor (1), boiler (24), combined_cycle (2), combustion (1), francis_turbine (5), gas_turbine (1), horizontal_axis (816), hydrodynamic_screw (1), pyrolysis (2), reciprocating_engine (4), solar_photovoltaic_panel (16424), solar_photovoltaic_panels (7), solar_thermal_collector (25), steam_generator (8), steam_turbine (23), tracking_solar_photovoltaic_panel (18), vertical_axis (3), wind_turbine (18), |
genre | 1 | circus (1), |
genus | 3554 | Abies (2), Acacia (5), Acer (14), Aesculus (151), Arbutus andrachne (1), Aésculus (2), Betula (65), Búxus (1), Carpinus (1), Castanea (40), Castanea Tourn (1), Castánea (1), Catalpa (20), Cedrus (1), Chamaecýparis (1), Cupréssus (1), Cédrus atlántica (1), Cérasus (3), Córylus (1), Elaeis (1), Fagaceae (5), Fagus (3), Fagus sylvatica (1), Fraxinus (5), Ginkgo (4), Heracleum sosnowskyi (4), Juglans (1816), Juglans nigra (1), Juglans regia (385), Juniperus (1), Juníperus (1), Júglans régia (13), Laurus (1), Lavandula (1), Leptospermum (2), Maclura pomifera (2), Magnolia (2), Malus (34), Morus (14), Mālus (2), Olea (2), Picea (343), Pinus (26), Pinus L. (1), Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana (2), Pinus pinea (2), Pinus strobus L. (1), Pistacia atlantica subsp. mutica (1), Pistácia (1), Platanus (14), Plátanus (11), Populus (98), Populus nigra L. (1), Prunus (37), Prúnus (9), Prúnus armeníaca (6), Prúnus pérsica (1), Prúnus ávium (1), Pseudotsúga (1), Pyrus (8), Pyrus communis (1), Pínus (19), Pіcea (7), Quercus (142), Quercus robur (1), Quercus suber (1), Quércus (3), Rhizophora (1), Rhus (1), Robinia (8), Rubus (1), Salix (10), Salix L. (1), Sequoiadendron giganteum (1), Siringa (5), Syrínga (1), Sálix (2), Taxus (3), Thuia (1), Thuja (9), Thúja occidentális (1), Tilia (56), Tilia platyphyllos (1), Tilla/Acer ? (1), Táxus baccáta (1), Ulmus (4), Viburnum (1), apple (6), betula (1), castanea (13), chestnut (1), cupressus (8), malus (2), oak (12), picea (1), pine (2), poplar (1), populus (8), quercus (1), salix (2), thuja (18), Ácer (2), Верба (2), Верба (Salix) (2), Дуб (1), Ель (2), Каштан (2), Сосна (1), Черешня (1), Чистотіл (1), береза (1), груша (1), дуб (3), |
genus:de | 7 | Amberbaum (1), Birke (4), Rosskastanie (1), Thujen (1), |
genus:en | 1434 | Acacia (1), Acer (3), Aesculus (1), Apple (4), Ash (4), Basswood (1), Birch (7), Cedar (1), Elm (3), Juglans (1), Maple (1), Mulberry (6), Oak (76), Pear (1), Pine (1), Poplar (1), Populus (929), Prunus (1), Pópulus (81), Salix babylonica (1), Spruce (299), Thuja (1), Tilia (4), oak (6), |
genus:fr | 2 | Magnolia (1), Tilleul (1), |
genus:it | 1 | Carpino (1), |
genus:pl | 4 | Barszcz Sosnowskiego (4), |
genus:ru | 1459 | Абрикос (1), Берёза (11), Бук (1), Дуб (57), Ель (303), Ель Голубая (6), Ива (12), Ива плакучая (1), Каштан (6), Кипарис (8), Клён (3), Липа (7), Орех (15), Сосна (9), Тополь (26), Тополь пирамидальный (990), Туя (3), |
genus:ua | 3 | Дуб (2), Сосна (1), |
genus:uk | 1598 | Cосна (1), Іван-чай (1), Акація (1), Береза (27), Верба (4), Вишня (9), Горіх (13), Груша (2), Гінкго дволопатеве (1), Гіркокаштан (29), Дуб (73), Дуб черешчатий (1), Каштан (9), Клен (6), Липа (12), Магнолія (1), Магнолія китайська (1), Малина (3), Робінія (4), Слива (13), Сосна (8), Сосна веймута (1), Тис (1), Тополя (21), Тополя пірамідальна (990), Туя (1), Чинар кавказький (1), Чорниця (4), Шовковиця (6), Яблуня (28), Ялина (311), береза (1), груша (1), дуб (1), ряд горопцеподібні (1), ряд гризуни (1), ряд куроподібні (2), ряд парнокопитні (2), ряд соколоподібні (1), ряд хижі (3), рід гусеподібні (1), ялина (1), |
genus:wikidata | 666 | Q12004 (1), Q127849 (519), Q25243 (146), |
genus:wikipedia | 495 | uk:Береза (133), uk:Липа (362), |
geobase:acquisitionTechnique | 30 | GPS (24), Orthoimage (1), Orthophoto (2), Vector Data (3), |
geobase:roadclass | 1 | Arterial (1), |
geoglyph:language | 1 | persian (1), |
geological | 37 | carbonate_block (4), dolerite_clastolite (1), magmatic_dyke (1), mud volcano (1), oil seep (1), outcrop (15), palaeontological_site (10), slickenside (1), volcanic_lava_field (3), |
geology | 1 | sandstone (1), |
geonameid | 4 | 2761353 (1), 2769242 (1), 3324493 (1), 690791 (1), |
geonames:id | 2 | 2963597 (1), 3865483 (1), |
geonames_id | 1 | 11185776 (1), |
geothermal | 4 | steam (4), |
geyser:height | 2 | 2м (2), |
gez:inscription_date | 3 | 2012-07-24 (3), |
gfoss_id | 82 | 1019 (1), 1020 (1), 1186 (1), 1250 (1), 1355 (1), 1487 (1), 1647 (1), 191 (1), 4062 (1), 490 (1), 491 (1), 493 (1), 494 (1), 495 (1), 497 (1), 499 (1), 504 (1), 560 (1), 565 (1), 570 (1), 575 (1), 579 (1), 655 (1), 658 (1), 665 (1), 666 (1), 667 (1), 669 (1), 670 (1), 672 (1), 674 (1), 675 (1), 677 (1), 679 (1), 680 (1), 686 (1), 687 (1), 689 (1), 692 (1), 693 (1), 697 (1), 698 (1), 700 (1), 702 (1), 703 (1), 707 (1), 708 (1), 710 (1), 711 (1), 718 (1), 719 (1), 720 (1), 730 (1), 733 (1), 734 (1), 736 (1), 737 (1), 780 (1), 786 (1), 789 (1), 826 (1), 887 (1), 900 (1), 901 (1), 905 (1), 908 (1), 91 (1), 910 (1), 920 (1), 922 (1), 928 (1), 932 (1), 935 (1), 941 (1), 947 (1), 949 (1), 978 (1), 980 (1), 981 (1), 992 (1), 996 (1), 999 (1), |
gid | 185 | 108603 (1), 108604 (1), 108605 (1), 108606 (1), 108608 (1), 108610 (1), 108611 (1), 108612 (1), 108614 (1), 108615 (1), 108632 (1), 108633 (1), 108765 (1), 108769 (1), 108777 (1), 108778 (1), 108780 (1), 108781 (1), 108782 (1), 108783 (1), 108785 (1), 111132 (1), 111133 (1), 111134 (1), 111135 (1), 111136 (1), 111137 (1), 111138 (1), 111139 (1), 111140 (1), 111141 (1), 111142 (1), 111143 (1), 111144 (1), 111145 (1), 111146 (1), 111147 (1), 111148 (1), 111149 (1), 111150 (1), 111151 (1), 111152 (1), 111158 (1), 111159 (1), 111160 (1), 111161 (1), 111279 (1), 111286 (1), 111291 (1), 111292 (1), 111293 (1), 111294 (1), 111296 (1), 111367 (1), 111368 (1), 111369 (1), 111370 (1), 111371 (1), 111372 (1), 111373 (1), 111374 (1), 111375 (1), 111376 (1), 111377 (1), 111378 (1), 111440 (1), 111441 (1), 111442 (1), 111443 (1), 111444 (1), 111445 (1), 111446 (1), 111447 (1), 111449 (1), 111450 (1), 111451 (1), 111452 (1), 111453 (1), 111454 (1), 111455 (1), 111456 (1), 111457 (1), 111478 (1), 111481 (1), 111482 (1), 111483 (1), 111484 (1), 111485 (1), 111486 (1), 111487 (1), 111488 (1), 111489 (1), 111490 (1), 111491 (1), 111492 (1), 111493 (1), 111494 (1), 111495 (1), 111496 (1), 111497 (1), 111498 (1), 111499 (1), 111500 (1), 111501 (1), 111502 (1), 111503 (1), 111504 (1), 111505 (1), 111506 (1), 111507 (1), 111508 (1), 111509 (1), 111510 (1), 111511 (1), 111512 (1), 111513 (1), 111514 (1), 111515 (1), 111516 (1), 111517 (1), 111518 (1), 111519 (1), 111520 (1), 111522 (1), 111523 (1), 111524 (1), 111525 (1), 111548 (1), 111550 (1), 111551 (1), 146460 (1), 146461 (1), 146462 (1), 146463 (1), 146464 (1), 146465 (1), 92189 (1), 92194 (1), 92195 (1), 92196 (1), 92236 (1), 92237 (1), 92238 (1), 92239 (1), 92240 (1), 92241 (1), 92242 (1), 92243 (1), 92244 (1), 92245 (1), 92246 (1), 92247 (1), 92248 (1), 92249 (1), 92250 (1), 92251 (1), 92252 (1), 93466 (1), 93479 (1), 93480 (1), 93481 (1), 93482 (1), 93483 (1), 93484 (1), 93485 (1), 93490 (1), 93491 (1), 93492 (1), 93493 (1), 93494 (1), 93495 (1), 94761 (1), 94762 (1), 94763 (1), 94764 (1), 94765 (1), 94766 (1), 94767 (1), 94768 (1), 94769 (1), 94770 (1), 94771 (1), 94772 (1), 94773 (1), 94774 (1), |
gift | 1 | yes (1), |
gis-lab:status | 65 | subj (65), |
give_way | 15 | -1 (2), both (3), minor (1), yes (9), |
give_way:direction | 5 | backward (3), forward (2), |
glacier:type | 1 | icefield (1), |
gladed | 6 | yes (6), |
glideslope | 2 | yes (2), |
gluten_free | 1 | yes (1), |
gnis:Class | 11 | Populated Place (11), |
gnis:County | 61 | Alger (1), Allen (1), Arlington (5), Berrien (1), Cabell (1), Chester (1), Cook (4), Dauphin (3), Dickinson (1), Dyer (1), East Baton Rouge (1), Grand Traverse (2), Henrico (1), Hoke (1), Iron (1), Kent (2), Keweenaw (1), Lake (1), Leelanau (1), Lincoln (1), Marquette (2), Maury (1), Missaukee (1), Monroe (1), Montgomery (2), New Castle (6), Oktibbeha (1), Pittsylvania (1), Rio Grande (1), Roane (4), Roscommon (1), Saginaw (1), Sanilac (2), Seminole (1), Strafford (1), Van Buren (1), Washtenaw (1), Waushara (1), Westmoreland (1), |
gnis:County_num | 60 | 001 (2), 003 (8), 011 (1), 013 (5), 017 (1), 021 (1), 029 (1), 031 (5), 033 (2), 043 (5), 045 (1), 055 (2), 071 (1), 083 (1), 087 (5), 089 (1), 091 (1), 093 (1), 103 (2), 105 (1), 113 (1), 115 (1), 119 (1), 133 (1), 137 (1), 143 (2), 145 (1), 151 (2), 159 (1), 161 (1), 193 (1), |
gnis:ST_alpha | 62 | CA (1), CO (1), DE (8), IL (4), IN (1), LA (1), MD (1), MI (18), MS (1), NC (1), NH (1), OK (1), PA (5), RI (1), TN (2), VA (8), WI (1), WV (6), |
gnis:ST_num | 60 | 06 (1), 08 (1), 10 (8), 17 (4), 18 (1), 22 (1), 24 (1), 26 (18), 33 (1), 37 (1), 40 (1), 42 (5), 47 (2), 51 (8), 54 (6), 55 (1), |
gnis:county_id | 57 | 001 (3), 005 (1), 009 (4), 013 (3), 015 (5), 019 (1), 027 (1), 029 (1), 031 (5), 033 (1), 037 (1), 041 (2), 049 (2), 055 (1), 063 (2), 071 (1), 081 (4), 083 (1), 085 (1), 089 (4), 095 (1), 099 (1), 103 (2), 117 (1), 127 (1), 133 (3), 141 (1), 165 (1), 201 (1), 760 (1), |
gnis:county_name | 13 | Alameda (1), Cook (1), Fayette (1), Los Angeles (1), Monmouth (1), New London (1), Newport (1), North Slope (1), Pacific (2), Wahkiakum (1), Washington (1), Winona (1), |
gnis:created | 78 | 01/01/1992 (1), 01/15/1980 (1), 01/19/1981 (2), 01/23/1980 (2), 02/09/1998 (1), 02/14/1979 (2), 03/01/1990 (1), 03/01/1993 (1), 03/01/1994 (1), 03/15/1999 (1), 03/23/2001 (1), 03/31/1991 (1), 04/01/1993 (1), 04/06/1998 (1), 04/13/2007 (3), 04/14/1980 (1), 05/01/1996 (1), 05/03/1999 (1), 05/07/1996 (1), 05/08/2001 (1), 05/21/1976 (1), 06/01/1992 (1), 06/01/1995 (1), 06/04/1980 (1), 06/17/1980 (4), 06/21/1979 (1), 06/27/1984 (3), 07/01/1989 (1), 07/10/1997 (1), 07/12/1979 (1), 08/27/1980 (1), 08/28/1987 (1), 09/01/1992 (1), 09/01/1994 (2), 09/10/1979 (12), 09/20/1979 (1), 09/28/1979 (1), 09/30/1980 (7), 1/1/2000 (1), 10/01/1982 (3), 10/01/1990 (1), 10/24/1980 (1), 11/01/1991 (2), 11/17/2008 (2), 11/30/1979 (1), 12/01/1991 (1), |
gnis:edited | 3 | 01/22/2008 (1), 06/11/2008 (1), 12/02/2005 (1), |
gnis:fcode | 20 | 39001 (1), 39004 (9), 39009 (1), 46003 (3), 55800 (6), |
gnis:feature_id | 175 | 00211809 (1), 00418664 (1), 00421237 (1), 00456085 (2), 00628692 (1), 00634660 (1), 00642738 (1), 00948991 (1), 00970232 (1), 00982605 (1), 00985361 (1), 00987264 (1), 00988610 (1), 00990284 (1), 00996265 (1), 00996884 (1), 01008807 (14), 01008836 (1), 01008959 (1), 01010793 (2), 01013317 (1), 01013453 (2), 01014267 (1), 01015740 (1), 01016257 (1), 01019749 (1), 01023950 (1), 01025656 (1), 01226584 (1), 01281406 (1), 01328723 (1), 01585424 (1), 01609324 (1), 02409209 (1), 1040924 (1), 1055523 (1), 1219401 (1), 1219954 (1), 1308223 (1), 1316283 (1), 1339628 (1), 13401 (1), 1478158 (1), 1490058 (1), 14939 (1), 14971;14630 (1), 1501045 (1), 1505248 (1), 1507125 (1), 1508316 (1), 1511659 (1), 1514702 (1), 1515718 (1), 1515733 (1), 1516270 (1), 1516529 (1), 1517655 (1), 1518630 (1), 1520890 (1), 1522111 (1), 1523140 (1), 1524496 (1), 1526638 (1), 1527542 (1), 1529273 (1), 1533028 (1), 1574765 (2), 1578866 (1), 1619200 (1), 1623175 (1), 1626030 (1), 1626193 (1), 1626381 (1), 1626920 (1), 1626940 (1), 1626949 (1), 1653772 (1), 1690112 (1), 1732015 (1), 1758606 (1), 1781348 (1), 1785710 (1), 1808995 (1), 1835977 (1), 1893783 (1), 1909986 (1), 1911378 (1), 1922677 (1), 196814 (1), 2032722 (1), 2039916 (1), 2041001 (1), 2041122 (1), 2117651 (1), 2117673 (1), 2117695 (1), 218281 (1), 21854 (1), 218751 (1), 2389437 (1), 2390318 (1), 24074 (1), 2411401 (1), 2411471 (1), 2419996 (1), 24207 (1), 2511958 (1), 2512412 (1), 251493 (1), 287455 (1), 297677 (1), 398311 (1), 409851 (1), 412012 (1), 442736 (1), 450155 (1), 452725 (1), 461933 (4), 476053 (1), 483832 (1), 498680 (1), 517412 (1), 529432 (1), 535410 (1), 561658 (1), 565366 (1), 567378 (1), 568137 (1), 570899 (1), 571601 (1), 576006 (1), 578073 (1), 580258 (1), 581478 (1), 581488 (1), 607670 (1), 621066 (1), 622947 (1), 623106 (1), 624068 (1), 627109 (1), 628666 (1), 633486 (1), 639019 (1), 660479 (1), 718011 (1), 794603 (1), 849405 (1), 867800 (1), 947142 (1), 977426 (1), 980679 (1), 981409 (1), 982728 (1), 992967 (1), |
gnis:feature_type | 9 | Airport (3), Bay (4), Military (2), |
gnis:ftype | 21 | 466 (1), ArtificialPath (6), LakePond (10), StreamRiver (4), |
gnis:id | 70 | 00021606 (1), 00021854 (1), 00632271 (1), 00642699 (1), 01140176 (3), 01775851 (1), 1018832 (1), 1090427 (1), 1191066 (1), 1201831 (1), 1202046 (1), 1202058 (1), 1294089 (1), 1304886 (1), 1477560 (1), 1492483 (1), 1495472 (1), 1495490 (1), 1499060 (1), 1500349 (1), 1541993 (1), 1544118 (1), 1549959 (1), 1554240 (1), 1554476 (1), 1554867 (1), 1576731 (1), 1615307 (1), 1617527 (1), 1617562 (1), 1617585 (1), 1617668 (1), 1617776 (1), 1617866 (1), 1617909 (1), 1617912 (1), 1620839 (1), 1655917 (1), 1737511 (1), 1738128 (1), 1738377 (1), 1760420 (1), 190394 (1), 213899 (1), 215892 (1), 215949 (1), 216649 (1), 216957 (1), 216988 (1), 217020 (1), 217166 (1), 404857 (1), 414834 (1), 422268 (1), 434689 (1), 558922 (1), 590313 (1), 621262 (1), 623689 (1), 626391 (1), 628449 (1), 628666 (1), 629053 (1), 629577 (1), 631377 (1), 672979 (1), 866569 (1), 964673 (1), |
gnis:import_uuid | 2 | 57871b70-0100-4405-bb30-88b2e001a944 (2), |
gnis:name | 1 | Waterman Wash (1), |
gnis:reviewed | 3 | no (3), |
gnis:state_id | 57 | 04 (3), 06 (5), 08 (1), 11 (1), 12 (1), 16 (1), 17 (2), 18 (6), 20 (1), 21 (1), 22 (1), 23 (8), 26 (1), 29 (1), 30 (2), 33 (1), 36 (2), 37 (4), 39 (2), 40 (1), 44 (1), 47 (1), 48 (1), 51 (4), 53 (2), 55 (3), |
gns:ADM1 | 11 | 03 (1), 04 (1), 05 (1), 08 (1), 12 (1), 13 (1), 25 (1), 30 (1), 31 (1), 32 (2), |
gns:CC1 | 1 | EI (1), |
gns:DMS_LAT | 1 | 530536 (1), |
gns:DMS_LONG | 1 | -63629 (1), |
gns:DSG | 11 | ADM2 (5), ADM3 (5), PPL (1), |
gns:FC | 1 | P (1), |
gns:JOG | 1 | NN29-09 (1), |
gns:LAT | 1 | 53.093333 (1), |
gns:LONG | 1 | -6.608056 (1), |
gns:MGRS | 1 | 29UPU6016585327 (1), |
gns:N:eng:FULL_NAME | 1 | Hollywood (1), |
gns:N:eng:FULL_NAME_ND | 1 | Hollywood (1), |
gns:N:eng:LC | 1 | eng (1), |
gns:N:eng:MODIFY_DATE | 1 | 1999-02-24 (1), |
gns:N:eng:NT | 1 | N (1), |
gns:N:eng:SORT_NAME | 1 | HOLLYWOOD (1), |
gns:N:gle:FULL_NAME | 1 | Cillín Chaoimhín (1), |
gns:N:gle:FULL_NAME_ND | 1 | Cillin Chaoimhin (1), |
gns:N:gle:LC | 1 | gle (1), |
gns:N:gle:MODIFY_DATE | 1 | 1999-02-24 (1), |
gns:N:gle:NT | 1 | N (1), |
gns:N:gle:SORT_NAME | 1 | CILLINCHAOIMHIN (1), |
gns:RC | 1 | 1 (1), |
gns:UFI | 11 | -1503382 (1), -1930651 (1), -1930836 (1), -1935780 (1), -1935818 (1), -1935865 (1), -1936264 (1), -1936265 (1), -1936291 (1), -1936292 (1), -1938425 (1), |
gns:UNI | 11 | -2700637 (1), 10069728 (1), 10071574 (1), 10073495 (1), 10073921 (1), 417315 (1), 6667952 (1), 6668165 (1), 6722022 (1), 6731104 (1), 6771394 (1), |
gns:dsg | 72 | ADM2 (2), BAY (3), CAPE (1), CMP: camp(s) (1), ESTY: estuary (1), GULF (6), HLL: hill (3), ISL (4), LK: lake (1), LKOI: intermittent oxbow lake (1), MND: mound(s) (4), RSV: reservoir(s) (1), RUIN: ruin(s) (3), RVN: ravine(s) (22), SEA (6), SPIT (1), STM: stream(s) (8), STMI: intermittent stream (2), STRT (2), |
gns:ufi | 8 | -1036881 (1), -1041035 (1), -1049095 (1), -1056128 (1), -1362928 (1), -2899982 (1), 221480 (1), 6100770 (1), |
gns:uni | 26 | -1190716 (1), -1200649 (1), -1531609;-1531610;-1531611 (1), -1556471 (1), -1558127 (1), -1568170 (1), -1569150 (1), -2149599 (1), -2149671 (1), -2149674 (1), -2149679 (1), -2149795 (1), -2149917 (1), -2149931 (1), -2149940 (1), -2150055 (1), -3045766 (1), -4307103 (1), -4919441 (1), 18182199 (1), 515989 (1), 516249 (1), 6110451 (1), 6310297 (1), 6707659 (1), 97163 (1), |
gns_classification | 12 | ADM2 (2), ISL (2), PPL (8), |
gns_ufi | 1 | -1055904 (1), |
gns_uni | 10 | -1370740 (1), -1370993 (1), -1371095 (1), -1371461 (1), -1567772 (1), -3331244 (1), -3347367 (1), -3348236 (1), -3363081 (1), 96967 (1), |
golf | 568 | bunker (114), cartpath (54), clubhouse (1), driving_range (4), fairway (85), green (74), hole (45), lateral_water_hazard (5), path (11), pin (2), rough (30), tee (115), tree (1), water_hazard (27), |
golf:course | 10 | 18_hole (5), 36_hole (1), 9_hole (4), |
golf:par | 9 | 28 (1), 35 (1), 36 + 35 + 36 + 29 (1), 66 (1), 70 (1), 72 (4), |
golf_cart | 82 | designated (6), no (27), permissive (1), yes (47), Міліційна вулиця (1), |
goods | 2067 | agricultural (2), delivery (18), designated (18), destination (968), no (447), permissive (27), private (3), yes (584), |
goods:backward | 3 | no (3), |
goods:forward | 2 | no (2), |
goods:lanes:conditional | 1 | yes|yes @ (Mo-Fr 09:00-15:00; Mo-Fr 18:00-07:00; Sa-Su 24h) (1), |
gost_7.67-2003 | 10 | РОФ-БЕЛ (1), РОФ-БРЯ (1), РОФ-ВОР (1), РОФ-КАБ (1), РОФ-КУС (1), РОФ-МОС (1), РОФ-МУР (1), РОФ-РОС (1), РОФ-ЧЕЛ (1), РОФ-ЯМА (1), |
gost_7_67-2003 | 1 | РОФ-КРА (1), |
governance_type | 4 | Sheffield City Council (2), government_managed (1), КП Коростишівський комунальник (1), |
government | 1971 | Office of Executive proceedings in Ukraine (1), administration (1), administrative (361), aerospace (1), agriculture (1), agriculture_office (1), archive (22), audit (12), bailiff (4), border_control (13), building_control (5), cadaster (15), chamber_of_commerce (1), commune (1), communications (1), county (1), culture (7), customs (180), customs;tax (1), data_protection (3), defence (2), economy (1), education (33), election (1), election_commission (1), emergency (3), energy (3), environment (21), executor (3), finance (2), forestry (28), government (5), government=prosecutor (1), healthcare (54), immigration (2), intelligence (2), investigation (6), it (1), judiciary (1), jus (1), justice (6), legislative (27), medical_safety (1), metrologist (1), migration (57), military (5), ministry (27), municipal (5), office (10), parliament (3), pension fund (1), pension_fund (94), police (8), post (1), presidency (1), president (1), prosecutor (160), provincial (1), public_safety (7), public_service (81), ration_shop (1), recruitment (30), regional (1), register_office (193), registration (1), security_service (1), service (1), social_security (24), social_services (75), social_welfare (8), sport (1), statistics (15), tax (167), taxes (12), town_council (2), townhall (1), traffic_police (1), transport (1), transportation (14), treasury (19), veterinary (6), village_office (4), yes (92), youth_welfare_department (1), |
grade | 6 | 1, 2, 3 (1), 3 (2), 4 (2), 5 (1), |
grades | 162 | 0-11 (1), 0-12 (14), 0-3 (1), 0-4 (1), 0-6 (5), 0-8 (2), 0-9 (3), 1 to 11 (4), 1-10 (2), 1-11 (32), 1-12 (23), 1-2 (1), 1-3 (5), 1-4 (19), 1-5 (1), 1-7 (1), 1-8 (4), 1-9 (19), 10-12 (3), 2 (1), 3-11 (1), 5-11 (5), 5-9 (1), 7-12 (3), 7-16 (1), 9-11 (2), 9-12 (6), Year 7 - 13 (1), |
grande_circulation | 46 | yes (46), |
grant | 1 | 1408016 PLN (1), |
grape_variety | 33 | Aligoté (5), Cabernet_Sauvignon (2), Chardonnay (6), Merlot (2), Muskat_Ottonel (1), Pinot_Gris (2), Pinot_Noir (1), Riesling (1), Rkatsiteli (1), Sauvignon (5), Savagnin (1), grape (4), Кодрянка (1), Тельти-Курук (1), |
grass | 3 | grasslands (1), urban (2), |
grassland | 695 | dehesa (1), meadow (1), prairie (4), prateria (1), puszta (19), savanna (5), steppe (647), tussock (1), urban (9), veld (6), yes (1), |
grave | 2 | crypt (2), |
grave:death | 1 | 1940 (1), |
greenfield | 2 | residential (2), |
gritting | 47 | priority_1 (20), priority_2 (11), priority_3 (15), yes (1), |
gritting_operator | 13 | Gemeente Bergeijk (1), Gemeente Eersel (4), Sandwell_MBC (1), Solihull MBC (2), Walsall MBC (4), Wolverhampton CC (1), |
gritting_route_ref | 9 | 1 (1), 2 (1), 8 (1), A (1), Rode strooiroute Eersel (5), |
ground | 1 | fine_gravel (1), |
ground_conductors | 820 | 0 (53), 0;1 (1), 1 (468), 1;0 (2), 1;2 (3), 2 (289), 2;1 (4), |
ground_conductors:design | 3 | 2 (3), |
groundcheck | 1 | attributes (1), |
group | 3 | administrative (1), blanchardstown_deanery (1), howth_deanery (1), |
group_1 | 1 | Diocese of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise (1), |
group_only | 10 | no (2), yes (8), |
gsm:LAC | 21 | 136 (1), 138 (3), 1882 (1), 3212 (3), 3212;138 (1), 3212;65 (1), 3711 (1), 65 (3), 65;138 (1), 65;3212;138 (1), 7620 (1), 900;1800 (1), fixme; 136 (1), fixme;136 (2), |
gsm:cellid | 19 | 22061;22062;22067;22069 (1), 22261;22262;22263;4535;4668;4669;6318;6321;6487 (1), 22501;22502;22503;58474;58475;58476 (1), 22721;22722 (1), 22731;22732;22733 (1), 23215;23216;23217 (1), 25943 (1), 3451;3453;3455 (1), 42191;42192;42193 (1), 4648;4649;4650 (1), 50741;50744;50745 (1), 59854;59855;59856 (1), 59894;59895;59896 (1), 59964;59965;59966 (1), 664;665;666;55104;55105;55106 (1), 6700;6701;6702;42301;42302;58714;58715; (1), fixme; 58264;58265;58266 (1), fixme;51511;51514;51515;51516 (1), fixme;58244;58245;58246 (1), |
gtfs:agency_id | 32 | 1 (4), KCM (28), |
gtfs:agency_name | 4 | Gradska uprava grada Beograda Sekretarijat za javni prevoz (4), |
gtfs:agency_url | 4 | http://www.bgprevoz.rs (4), |
gtfs:dataset_id | 28 | KCGIS (28), |
gtfs:feed | 872 | AT-OÖVV (6), AT-VKG (12), AT-VOR (49), AT-VVSt (15), CH-Alle (279), DE-BE-VBB (43), DE-BW-RAB (6), DE-BW-SBG (25), DE-BW-SWEG (1), DE-BW-VAG (1), DE-BW-VVS (2), DE-BW-bodo (1), DE-BY-MVG (75), DE-BY-MVV (334), DE-S-und-U-Bahnen (4), DE-SH-Landesweit (1), DE-SPNV (4), FR-PAC-Zou-Express (6), FR-PAC-Zou-Proximite (5), FR-PAC-Zou-Scolaire (3), |
gtfs:name | 19 | Freiburg (Brsg) ZOB - Müllheim (Bd) Bahnhof (1), Günterstal - Bertoldsbrunnen - Hauptbahnhof - Hornusstraße (1), Heitersheim Beiersdorfstraße (3), Heitersheim Bf (Bus) - Müllheim (Bd) Verkehrsamt (1), IRE3 (2), Littenweiler - Bertoldsbrunnen - Landwasser (1), Munzingen - Tiengen - Haid (1), Müllheim (Bd) Bahnhof - Müllheim Markgräfler Platz (1), Rheinfelden Busbahnhof - Wiechs Rebacker (1), Rieselfeld - Haslach - Stadttheater - Europaplatz (1), Schülerverkehr Faustgymnasium/Lilienhofschule Staufen für EFA/Vb Müllheim (1), SchülerverkehrThaddaus-Rinderle Schule Staufen für Efa/Vb Müllheim (1), Steinen Schule - Endenburg Rathaus (1), Vauban - Bertoldsbrunnen - Haid (1), Zähringen - Bertoldsbrunnen - Messe (1), Ötlingen (- Eimeldingen) - Märkt - Haltingen - Weil am Rhein (1), |
gtfs:release_date | 340 | 2020-07-15 (2), 2020-12-12 (1), 2020-12-16 (52), 2021-01-08 (1), 2021-01-19 (4), 2021-04-06 (1), 2021-04-10 (4), 2021-05-06 (1), 2021-07-23 (1), 2021-10-12 (4), 2022-01-05 (12), 2022-01-07 (3), 2022-01-24 (1), 2022-12-14 (82), 2022-12-19 (34), 2023-02-01 (137), |
gtfs:route_desc | 8 | CHRONOSTAR (2), Complémentaire (2), Métropolitaine (3), Urbaine (1), |
gtfs:route_id | 934 | 0-12-E-j21-1 (1), 0-245-j23-1 (3), 0-261-j23-1 (19), 0-680-A-21a-11 (1), 00603 (2), 00711 (2), 1-70-j23-1 (2), 1-71-j23-1 (2), 1-94-j23-1 (2), 1-95-j23-1 (2), 1-96-j23-1 (2), 1-98-j23-1 (2), 10-15-I-j21-1 (1), 10-35-I-j21-1 (4), 10-46-I-j22-1 (1), 10040011 (1), 10040012 (1), 10050021 (1), 10110011 (1), 10110012 (1), 10120011 (1), 10120012 (1), 10130011 (1), 10130012 (1), 10600011 (1), 10650011 (1), 10900011 (1), 10900012 (1), 11-1-I-j23-1 (2), 11-2-I-j23-1 (2), 11-3-I-j23-1 (2), 11-4-I-j23-1 (2), 11-5-I-j23-1 (2), 1166 (1), 14-35-I-j21-1 (1), 15040012 (1), 15140011 (1), 15140012 (1), 15150011 (1), 15274_700 (6), 15277_700 (4), 1548_700 (6), 1550 (1), 1551_700 (4), 16-701-0-s23-1 (2), 16-705-0-s23-1 (3), 16-708-0-s23-1 (5), 16-800-0-s23-1 (5), 18-2-21a-1 (1), 18-351-j23-1 (3), 18-505-0-s23-1 (2), 18-540-3-s23-1 (2), 18-567-0-s23-1 (3), 18896_700 (6), 18898_700 (1), 18920_700 (2), 19-210-s23-1 (2), 19-214-V-s23-1 (1), 19-214-s23-1 (3), 19-220-V-s23-1 (3), 19-220-s23-2 (12), 19-222-V-s23-1 (3), 19-222-s23-1 (2), 19-224-s23-1 (2), 19-225-s23-1 (3), 19-226-s23-1 (5), 19-227-s23-1 (3), 19-230-W-s23-1 (2), 19-230-s23-1 (4), 19-231-V-s23-1 (2), 19-231-s23-1 (3), 19-232-s23-1 (5), 19-240-V-s23-1 (2), 19-242-V-s23-1 (1), 19-242-s23-1 (3), 19-243-s23-1 (2), 19-271-s23-1 (1), 19-375-s23-1 (6), 19-381-s23-1 (5), 19-411-s23-1 (7), 19-452-s23-1 (3), 19-459-s23-1 (5), 19-466-V-s23-1 (2), 19-466-s23-1 (5), 19-505-s23-1 (7), 19-515-s23-2 (5), 19-567-V-s23-2 (4), 19-567-s23-1 (9), 19-569-V-s23-2 (3), 19-569-s23-1 (10), 19-603-s23-1 (17), 19-615-s23-1 (2), 19-616-s23-1 (2), 19-619-s23-1 (3), 19-622-V-s23-1 (3), 19-623-s23-1 (3), 19-624-s23-1 (3), 19-630-s23-1 (3), 19-631-s23-1 (3), 19-633-V-s23-1 (2), 19-633-s23-1 (2), 19-683-s23-1 (6), 19-688-s23-1 (2), 19-702-s23-1 (3), 19-704-s23-2 (2), 19-705-s23-1 (1), 19-706-s23-3 (18), 19-715-s23-1 (2), 19-723-s23-1 (7), 19-725-s23-1 (6), 19-736-s23-1 (2), 19-782-s23-1 (14), 19-791-s23-1 (2), 19-803-s23-1 (5), 19-804-s23-1 (4), 19-822-s22-3 (13), 19-823-s23-1 (2), 19-825-s23-1 (4), 19-838-s23-3 (18), 19-873-s23-1 (3), 19-874-s23-1 (1), 19-889-s23-2 (5), 19-955-s23-1 (1), 1928 (1), 20 (3), 20-202-X-s23-1 (2), 20-203-X-s23-1 (2), 20-320-X-s23-1 (3), 20-900-X-s23-2 (3), 20-910-X-s23-1 (3), 22-333-j23-3 (3), 22453_700 (8), 2506 (1), 3-100-G-013-1 (2), 3-130-G-012-1 (1), 3-134-G-012-1 (2), 3-145-G-013-1 (4), 3-151-G-012-1 (2), 3-157-G-013-1 (5), 3-160-G-012-1 (7), 3-164-G-012-1 (2), 3-185-G-012-1 (4), 3-188-G-012-1 (2), 3-189-G-013-1 (4), 3-192-G-012-1 (1), 3-51-G-012-1 (1), 3-55-G-012-1 (1), 3-58-G-012-1 (1), 3-60-G-012-1 (2), 3-62-G-012-1 (2), 3-68-G-012-1 (1), 3-N41-G-013-1 (5), 3-N43-G-013-1 (3), 3-N44-G-013-1 (5), 3-N45-G-013-1 (4), 3-N75-G-013-1 (2), 3-N76-G-013-1 (2), 3-N78-G-013-1 (3), 3-N79-G-013-1 (2), 3-N80-G-013-1 (1), 3-N81-G-013-1 (1), 3-X80-G-013-1 (3), 31-768-j22-2.6.H (1), 4111 (3), 4456_700 (5), 49582 (1), 5.T0.31-768-j22-2.10 (1), 571 (3), 60 (2), 60-857-j23-1 (2), 62 (3), 654 (2), 66-150-j23-1 (3), 66-151-j23-1 (3), 7-240-j23-1 (3), 7-304-j20-1 (1), 7-305-j20-1 (1), 7-380-S-21a-11 (2), 70-101-j23-2 (5), 70-102-j23-1 (5), 70-103-j23-52 (7), 70-104-j23-1 (2), 70-105-j23-1 (4), 70-106-j23-1 (3), 77-900-j23-1 (2), 77-941-j23-1 (2), 81-864-j23-1 (2), 90-169-j23-1 (7), 90-T03-j22-1 (2), 90-T07-j22-1 (1), 90-T27-j21-1 (1), 91-3-B-j23-1 (3), 91-4-F-j23-1 (1), 91-5-C-j23-1 (2), 91-6-B-j21-1 (2), 91-7-j21-1 (1), 91-8-j21-1 (1), 92-1-L-j21-1 (2), 92-10-j23-1 (4), 92-107-C-j23-1 (3), 92-11-H-j21-1 (5), 92-12-j23-1 (2), 92-123-B-j21-1 (1), 92-13-D-j21-1 (2), 92-130-A-j23-1 (2), 92-131-j23-1 (3), 92-132-j23-1 (3), 92-14-C-j21-1 (6), 92-155-j23-1 (6), 92-159-j23-1 (3), 92-161-A-j23-1 (3), 92-165-A-j23-1 (3), 92-170-j23-1 (3), 92-19-B-j21-1 (2), 92-2-E-j21-1 (1), 92-30-B-j23-1 (1), 92-305-j23-1 (1), 92-31-E-j23-1 (2), 92-32-C-j23-1 (4), 92-32-G-j23-1 (1), 92-34-B-j21-1 (6), 92-34-C-j23-1 (3), 92-35-B-j23-1 (1), 92-361-A-j21-1 (1), 92-4-M-j23-1 (2), 92-41-C-j23-1 (2), 92-42-j22-1 (1), 92-442-j21-1 (2), 92-46-E-j21-1 (2), 92-47-B-j22-1 (2), 92-48-D-j21-1 (3), 92-5-Q-j23-1 (2), 92-6-B-j21-1 (3), 92-6-j23-1 (2), 92-622-j23-1 (7), 92-623-j23-1 (4), 92-631-j23-1 (4), 92-64-D-j23-1 (3), 92-655-j23-1 (5), 92-660-j23-1 (2), 92-7-I-j20-1 (2), 92-7-O-j23-1 (2), 92-72-C-j21-1 (2), 92-722-j23-1 (3), 92-729-j23-1 (1), 92-73-C-j21-1 (2), 92-734-9-j23-1 (5), 92-737-j23-1 (3), 92-738-j23-1 (1), 92-75-j23-1 (1), 92-781-j23-1 (1), 92-8-C-j21-1 (1), 92-817-j23-1 (3), 92-941-j23-1 (3), 92-943-j23-1 (7), 92-L-j22-1 (1), 92-M01-j22-1 (1), 92-M03-j22-1 (1), 92-N1-H-j22-1 (2), 92-N16-A-j23-1 (3), 92-N2-E-j23-1 (1), 92-N2-F-j22-1 (2), 92-N29-j23-1 (3), 92-N67-j23-1 (2), 92-N7-A-j23-1 (2), 92-N7-j23-1 (2), 92-NJ-j22-1 (1), 92-R01-F-j21-1 (1), 93 (1), 93-140-j23-1 (2), 94-111-j23-1 (3), 94-180-j23-1 (3), 94-181-j23-1 (1), 94-185-V-j23-1 (5), 94-822-j23-1 (1), 94-845-j23-1 (2), 96-140-0-j23-1 (3), 96-155-5-j23-1 (4), 96-155-6-j23-1 (2), 96-155-7-j23-1 (2), 96-156-0-j23-1 (6), 96-159-5-j23-1 (1), 96-162-9-j23-1 (2), 96-163-1-j23-1 (3), 96-184-4-j23-1 (5), 96-187-0-j23-1 (3), 96-198-3-j23-1 (1), 96-198-5-j23-1 (1), 96-200-4-j23-1 (3), 96-200-6-j23-1 (5), 96-200-8-j23-1 (5), 96-202-0-j23-1 (7), 96-202-7-j23-1 (3), 96-203-1-j23-1 (3), 96-203-5-j23-1 (3), 96-203-8-j23-1 (3), 96-222-4-j23-1 (2), 96-227-9-j23-1 (2), 96-228-1-j23-1 (3), 96-232-1-j23-1 (2), 96-240-4-j23-1 (5), 96-241-4-j23-1 (3), 96-375-j23-1 (4), 96-810-j21-1 (2), 96-887-j23-1 (5), 99-295-E-j22-1 (12), 99-90S-E-j23-1 (3), 99-95S-E-j23-1 (3), HR:JL:Line:435: (1), M15 (1), M15+ (1), |
gtfs:shape_id | 170 | 0-245-j23-1.3.H (1), 0-245-j23-1.4.R (1), 0-261-j23-1.1.H (1), 0-261-j23-1.10.H (1), 0-261-j23-1.12.R (1), 0-261-j23-1.13.R (1), 0-261-j23-1.17.R (1), 0-261-j23-1.18.R (1), 0-261-j23-1.19.R (1), 0-261-j23-1.2.H (1), 0-261-j23-1.20.R (1), 0-261-j23-1.21.R (1), 0-261-j23-1.22.R (1), 0-261-j23-1.24.R (1), 0-261-j23-1.25.R (1), 0-261-j23-1.3.H (1), 0-261-j23-1.4.H (1), 0-261-j23-1.5.H (1), 0-261-j23-1.6.H (1), 0-261-j23-1.7.H (1), 0-680-A-21a-11.2.R (1), 0005-A-1103-1269 (1), 0005-B-1269-1103 (1), 0011-A-1746-3751 (1), 0055-B-4401-1567 (1), 00603_shape_0 (1), 00603_shape_1 (1), 0061-A-1510-4351 (1), 0061-B-4351-1510 (1), 00711_shape_0 (1), 00711_shape_1 (1), 0212-A-1661-4355 (1), 0212-B-4352-1450 (1), 02_0_020466_09217CA147606A87EAFFA69276CE41DF_vanpro2_vansec3_26 (1), 02_1_020118_F2DFBFC517989BFBFEB3BDD7E5D04C0F_vansec3_vanpro2_26 (1), 06a_0_06a0022_91CA9084E0B42D73635F43AFB705B0B2_vanpro1_vanpro2_46 (1), 06b_1_06b0019_813AE7F6BC5E4EC61A2DF9CF62D37E4A_vanpro2_vanpro1_46 (1), 08_0_080137_C5E6B44A0B9DBEA10BB05F4447D7EF9D_pleker1_nolmai2_41 (1), 08_1_080139_9691EB99A637AE995F7B9329DB946D48_nolmai1_pleker1_41 (1), 1-70-j23-1.7.H (1), 1-71-j23-1.8.H (1), 1-94-j23-1.1.R (1), 1-95-j23-1.6.H (1), 1-96-j23-1.3.H (1), 1-98-j23-1.3.H (1), 10956 (1), 10957 (1), 10959 (1), 10960 (1), 11_0_110051_D34D1F960C50263D6B2C35FF05A2238F_PICCAR_2_PLZ_1_17 (1), 11_0_110264_FEC4555F87589F3B7B80E5B91E044400_plotre1_vanpor1_28 (1), 11_1_110050_154BE16AF172AC7A02A194D1424C0EC8_PLZ_1_PICCAR_1_16 (1), 11_1_110267_A4F267C515CE02C36A223E1821E1A16C_vanpor2_plotre2_28 (1), 17_0_170017_A35D856CADBDED37145EDC1CF9868B23_KERJAN_1_ST_JJ_29 (1), 17_1_170016_43AAE19E539F7019061424CC0EBCDB69_ST_JJ_KERJAN_1_31 (1), 18-351-j23-1.2.H (1), 18-351-j23-1.5.R (1), 2163 (1), 22-333-j23-3.12.H (1), 22-333-j23-3.2.R (1), 293 (1), 294 (1), 295 (1), 3530 (1), 4111A|20210826 (1), 4111R|20210827 (1), 4145 (2), 4270 (1), 4271 (1), 4272 (1), 4273 (1), 571HA1|20221210 (1), 571HR1|20221210 (1), 60-857-j23-1.13.R (1), 6019|20220901 (1), 6020|20220901 (1), 6073 (1), 6074 (1), 6075 (1), 6076 (1), 6077 (1), 6079 (1), 6193 (1), 6194 (1), 6195 (1), 6196 (1), 6197 (1), 6198 (1), 6211|20190131 (1), 6218|20200505 (1), 6237 (1), 6238 (1), 6242 (1), 6244 (1), 654A1|20130803 (1), 66-150-j23-1.1.H (1), 66-150-j23-1.2.R (1), 66-151-j23-1.1.H (1), 66-151-j23-1.2.R (1), 7-240-j23-1.15.H (1), 7-240-j23-1.29.R (1), 70-101-j23-2.1.H (1), 70-101-j23-2.2.H (1), 70-101-j23-2.3.R (1), 70-101-j23-2.4.R (1), 70-102-j23-1.1.H (1), 70-102-j23-1.2.H (1), 70-102-j23-1.3.R (1), 70-102-j23-1.5.R (1), 70-103-j23-52.1.H (1), 70-103-j23-52.2.H (1), 70-103-j23-52.4.H (1), 70-103-j23-52.5.R (1), 70-103-j23-52.6.R (1), 70-103-j23-52.7.R (1), 70-104-j23-1.2.R (1), 70-105-j23-1.1.H (1), 70-105-j23-1.2.R (1), 70-105-j23-1.3.R (1), 70-106-j23-1.2.R (1), 70-106-j23-1.3.R (1), 7147 (1), 7151 (1), 7152 (1), 7154 (1), 7156 (1), 7157 (1), 7158 (1), 77-900-j23-1.24.H (1), 77-900-j23-1.59.R (1), 77-941-j23-1.1.H (1), 77-941-j23-1.38.R (1), 81-864-j23-1.18.H (1), 90-169-j23-1.10.R (1), 90-169-j23-1.11.H (1), 90-169-j23-1.4.H (1), 90-169-j23-1.5.R (1), 90-169-j23-1.6.R (1), 90-169-j23-1.7.R (1), 90-T07-j22-1.130.H (1), 90-T27-j21-1.10.H (1), 92-R01-F-j21-1.45.H (1), 93-140-j23-1.3.R (1), 93A6|20170901 (1), 94-111-j23-1.2.H (1), 94-111-j23-1.4.R (1), 94-111-j23-1.5.R (1), 94-180-j23-1.31.R (1), 94-185-V-j23-1.22.R (1), 94-185-V-j23-1.23.R (1), 94-185-V-j23-1.28.H (1), 94-185-V-j23-1.31.H (1), 94-845-j23-1.1.H (1), 94-845-j23-1.5.R (1), 969 (1), 973 (1), 974 (1), 975 (1), 977 (1), 99-90S-E-j23-1.55.R (1), 99-90S-E-j23-1.57.R (1), 99-95S-E-j23-1.1.H (1), 99-95S-E-j23-1.2.R (1), D2_0_D20099_489D60191798AC3982872C665358647E_vansso2_vansec3_27 (1), D2_1_D20087_BA914A0493500D366A6B26C4096B6592_vansec3_vansso1_27 (1), HR:JL:ServiceJourney:435-121850: (1), HR:JL:ServiceJourney:435-121853: (1), HR:JL:ServiceJourney:435-121854: (1), HR:JL:ServiceJourney:435-121856: (1), |
gtfs:stop_id | 18 | 10381-0517700 (1), 1729_3 (1), 5130 (1), 5136 (1), 5154 (1), 5167 (1), 5186 (1), 5197 (1), 5241 (1), 5256 (1), 5302 (1), |