k | num | v's |
cables | 531 | 1 (47), 2 (28), 3 (303), 6 (153), |
cai_scale | 2 | E (2), |
camera:mount | 4 | pole (3), wall (1), |
camera:type | 4 | fixed (2), panning (2), |
camp_site | 9 | basic (9), |
canoe | 10 | no (10), |
canvec:UUID | 1 | f556ccce2a1c4914bf4fd2735762921a (1), |
capacity | 105 | 0300 (1), 1 (26), 10 (22), 100 (8), 11 (1), 12 (1), 14 (3), 15 (1), 150 (5), 16 (2), 1e+42 (1), 2 (3), 20 (2), 200 (1), 225 (1), 3 (1), 30 (2), 300 (1), 4 (3), 40 (5), 5 (1), 50 (4), 6 (2), 60 (2), 8 (2), 80 (1), 9 (1), 99 (1), Tourism Information Center (Ayni 15#3) (1), |
capacity:disabled | 6 | 0 (1), 1 (1), 40 (2), 8 (1), yes (1), |
capacity:persons | 3 | 3 (1), 4 (1), 6 (1), |
capital | 15 | 6 (2), 7 (1), 8 (10), yes (2), |
capital_ISO3166-1 | 1 | yes (1), |
capital_city | 3 | Dushanbe (1), Ottawa (1), Riga (1), |
car | 1 | yes (1), |
cargo | 1 | passengers;vehicle (1), |
carriageway_ref | 61 | 10 (10), 4 (7), 5 (6), 6 (18), 7 (9), 8 (7), B (2), Li (2), |
cash_in | 2 | yes (2), |
castle_type | 6 | fortress (4), palace (2), |
categorie_piscicole | 2 | 2 (2), |
cemetery | 2 | grave (2), |
census | 1 | 2006 (1), |
census:population | 1 | 1442;2006 (1), |
centre_turn_lane | 1 | yes (1), |
change:lanes | 3 | no|no (1), no|not_left|yes|yes (2), |
changing_table | 3 | no (2), yes (1), |
charge | 9 | 1.5 EUR (2), 100 (1), 25 Somoni per person (4), 30 (1), somoni (1), |
check_date | 121 | 2019-11-06 (1), 2021-04-24 (1), 2022-01-01 (1), 2022-02-04 (1), 2022-05-08 (13), 2022-10-30 (2), 2022-12-10 (1), 2022-12-31 (2), 2023-01-07 (9), 2023-01-11 (2), 2023-01-27 (12), 2023-01-28 (22), 2023-01-31 (1), 2023-02-04 (1), 2023-02-07 (1), 2023-02-09 (1), 2023-02-26 (1), 2023-03-02 (2), 2023-03-03 (10), 2023-03-04 (19), 2023-03-19 (3), 2023-03-24 (1), 2023-03-30 (1), 2023-03-31 (2), 2023-04-03 (1), 2023-04-04 (2), 2023-04-05 (1), 2023-04-06 (1), 2023-04-07 (1), 2023-04-10 (1), 2023-04-14 (1), 2023-04-15 (1), 2023-04-16 (2), |
check_date:crossing | 5 | 2021-05-29 (1), 2021-08-03 (4), |
check_date:cycleway | 2 | 2022-04-15 (1), 2022-08-08 (1), |
check_date:opening_hours | 2 | 2022-02-04 (1), 2023-04-10 (1), |
check_date:osmc:status | 1 | 2023-03-11 (1), |
check_date:shelter | 2 | 2021-09-03 (1), 2022-10-19 (1), |
check_date:surface | 2 | 2022-11-05 (1), 2023-01-25 (1), |
checked | 3 | 2014/01/05 wambacher (1), 2014/01/14 wambacher (2), |
checked_by | 18 | Bobropiton (18), |
cinema:3D | 1 | yes (1), |
circuits | 331 | 1 (207), 2 (124), |
circumference | 30 | 0.15 (11), 0.25 (19), |
class:bicycle | 3 | -1 (2), -2 (1), |
class:bicycle:mtb | 12 | 2 (6), 3 (6), |
class:bicycle:mtb:technical | 4 | 2 (4), |
clc:code | 2 | 324 (1), 3242 (1), |
clc:code_06 | 1 | 312 (1), |
clc:id | 2 | 33546 (1), EU-228582 (1), |
clc:year | 1 | 2006 (1), |
closest_town | 6 | Dushanbe (2), Isfara (1), Khudzhand (1), Kulyab (1), Kurgan Tyube (1), |
clothes | 73 | children (1), fashion (1), men (26), sports (1), sports;men;underwear (1), underwear (1), wedding (1), women (32), women;children (3), women;children;men (2), women;men (4), |
club | 8 | sport (3), yes (5), |
cmt | 8 | 05-JUL-14 12:29:36 (2), 11-JUL-14 12:43:39 (1), 24-JUN-14 17:36:35 (1), 26-JUN-14 12:06:05 (1), 26-JUN-14 9:58:30 (1), 28-JUN-14 6:42:56 (1), 29-JUN-14 11:25:23 (1), |
coat_of_arms | 1 | File:Seal of ASEAN.svg (1), |
code | 1 | AKL10106 (1), |
collection_times | 2 | Mo-Fr 12:00,16:45; Sa 11:00 (1), Mo-Fr 16:00; Sa 10:30 (1), |
colour | 399 | #000000 (6), #000066 (1), #00008B (3), #003399 (9), #003DA5 (1), #005262 (82), #006d9e (2), #0075a1 (16), #007AC9 (1), #0095da (2), #00AEEF (2), #00aeef (1), #011633 (1), #10a855 (23), #16c1f3 (14), #32366d (2), #333333 (4), #3EBEE5 (4), #419682 (1), #4465AD (2), #4C1A1B (1), #528B8B (2), #530228 (4), #61C3D9 (3), #646363 (11), #65B949 (5), #771133 (10), #80cc28 (2), #820165 (2), #93C355 (1), #95276E (1), #957f5b (1), #995511 (1), #9d1380 (2), #9d762c (2), #A90C39 (1), #ABBD09 (21), #BB0022 (1), #C2DDAF (1), #C5AA77 (1), #C80815 (1), #ED028C (6), #ED8C01 (3), #F16122 (1), #F2D020 (1), #FBE143 (10), #FF0000 (3), #FF6417 (1), #FF88AA (5), #FFCC00 (5), #a3d71d (3), #bcb5da (2), #c50e1f (1), #c5c6c6 (5), #c897d2 (1), #e55c00 (5), #ee0064 (2), #ee1c23 (2), #f68712 (4), #ffffff (3), black (7), blue (4), brown (15), darkorange (6), gold (3), gray (4), green (9), maroon (2), orange (1), purple (1), red (23), white (1), yellow (9), |
colour:arrow | 1 | white (1), |
colour:back | 1 | green (1), |
colour:text | 1 | white (1), |
comment | 13 | Chinnese border fence (2), Geltendorf - Buchloe - Lindau nicht im MVV-Tarif (1), Nicht am Wochenende (1), Nicht am Wochenende, 3x ab Berufsschulzentrum (1), Nur am Wochenende (1), Pas d'arrêt sur Sète et Agde, via Montpellier Saint-Roch (ligne conventionnelle) (1), Réseau TGV constaté en octobre 2020, via Montpellier Saint-Roch (ligne conventionnelle) (1), Variante de la ligne 6821 avec arrêts supplémentaire à Sète et Agde (1), Variante de la ligne 6823 sans faire d'arrêt à Sète et Agde (1), Variante via Montpellier Saint-Roch (ligne conventionnelle) (1), Zusätzliche Variante am Wochende (1), Zwei Varianten (1), |
communication:3g | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:lte | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:mobile_phone | 6 | yes (6), |
communication:radio | 101 | yes (101), |
communication:television | 2 | yes (2), |
community_centre | 4 | cultural_centre (1), village_hall (3), |
complete | 7 | no (5), yes (2), |
compressed_air | 4 | no (2), yes (2), |
condition | 257 | deficient (7), fair (80), fair;good (1), good (128), poor (41), |
construction | 78 | building (1), construction (1), house (2), motorway (1), motorway_link (3), primary (3), rail (3), residential (3), secondary (1), service (2), tertiary (1), tram (1), trunk (3), unclassified (1), yes (52), |
consulate | 3 | consular_office (1), consulate_general (2), |
contact:city | 14 | Coudekerque-Branche (1), Strasbourg (1), Ваҳдат (1), Душанбе (8), Пенджикент (1), Худжанд (2), |
contact:country | 1 | TJ (1), |
contact:door | 1 | 506 (1), |
contact:email | 30 | arhibat@mail.ru (1), bekobod@tvp.uz (2), dushanbe-fr@pecom.ru (1), dushanbe@dks.ru (1), embassy.dushanbe@mfa.gov.tr (1), embassy.dushanbe@yandex.ru (1), homestaymidgon@gmail.com (1), info.dushanbe@mea.gov.in (1), info@abakus-center.ru (1), info@bsec-organization.org (1), info@burgenstrasse.de (1), info@dip.tj (1), info@hotel-mercury.tj (1), info@indenim.uz (1), info@intelmed.kg (2), info@khujandi.com (1), info@korzinka.uz (1), info@moy-ka.ru (1), info@tajik.gallery (1), iranemb.dyu@mfa.gov.ir (1), kolyaermatov@gmail.com (1), mamadsho@gmail.com (1), mizhgona92@mail.ru (1), pamirlodge@hotmail.com (1), public@asean.org (1), support@lockerpost.uz (2), zohirsh@gmail.com (1), |
contact:facebook | 8 | https://facebook.com/okgmobile (1), https://www.facebook.com/%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%84%D0%B5-%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C-versailes-%D0%9A%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BD-%D0%A2%D1%8E%D0%B1%D0%B5-529509600748912/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/LockerPost (2), https://www.facebook.com/artuch.travel (1), https://www.facebook.com/cabinfevernscc (1), https://www.facebook.com/russianembassyintajikistan (1), https://www.fb.com/korzinkauz (1), |
contact:fax | 4 | +49 7131 97350120 (1), +6221 7398234 (1), +90 212 229 63 36 (1), +992 48 702 41 09 (1), |
contact:floor | 1 | 5 (1), |
contact:housenumber | 21 | 10 (1), 14 (2), 142/5 (1), 193 (1), 2 (1), 2/1 (1), 3 (1), 31 (1), 37/1 (1), 4 (2), 45 (1), 51 (2), 6 (1), 66 (1), 67 (1), 7 (1), 74 (1), 76 (1), |
contact:instagram | 8 | @stariy.grad (1), https://instagram.com/indenimuz (1), https://instagram.com/o_mobile_operator/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/cabinfever_nscc/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/imoyka_uzb (1), https://www.instagram.com/korzinkauz (1), https://www.instagram.com/locker_post/ (2), |
contact:mobile | 1 | +992900511982 (1), |
contact:ok | 1 | https://ok.ru/okgmobile (1), |
contact:phone | 46 | (+992-37) 229-2000 (1), (03622)5-18-94 (1), +33 3 28 24 00 00 (1), +43 5574 9000 (1), +49 7131 9735010 (1), +6221 7262991 (1), +7 800 2347000 (3), +90 212 229 63 30;+90 212 229 63 35 (1), +992 3 52202492 (1), +992 35774920 (1), +992 37 2217172 (1), +992 37 224 44 91 (1), +992 37 235 9827 (1), +992 44 601 1132 (1), +992 44 630 44 55 (1), +992 446 203 300 (1), +992 48 702 41 00 (1), +992 90 000 6999 (1), +992 90 440 6560 (1), +992 919488958 (1), +992 935086999 (1), +992-37-2337688 (1), +9922242640 (1), +992446017070 (1), +992900202202 (1), +992904282660 (1), +992927651877 (1), +992934023583 (1), +992939439339 (1), +996 312 320 303;+996 502 320 303;+996 555 320 303 (2), +996 705 700 700 (2), +998 70 214-10-07 (1), +998 70 93-51-202 (1), +998 70 935-10-07 (1), +998 71 202 30 03 (1), +998 78 140 14 14 (1), +998 95 610 11 11 (1), +998712352446 (2), 150-79-53 (1), 502131965 (1), 992987270101 (1), |
contact:phone2 | 1 | +992929960384 (1), |
contact:postcode | 8 | 59210 (1), 67200 (1), 734000 (1), 734011 (1), 734013 (1), 734064 (1), 735400 (1), 735700 (1), |
contact:street | 22 | Ahu-Babaev Street (1), N. Huvaydulloev Street (1), Rue Cerf Berr (1), Rue Pasteur (1), А. Беруни (2), Александр Сергеевич Пушкин (1), Кучаи Шевченко (1), Кӯчаи Лоиқ Шерали (1), Улица Муродилло Шерализода (1), дехи боло (1), кучаи Зокиров (1), кучаи Фирдавси (1), кӯчаи 20-солагии Истиқлолият (1), кӯчаи Академик Акобир Адҳамов (1), кӯчаи Гурминҷ Завқибеков (1), кӯчаи Раҳимӣ (1), кӯчаи Садриддин Айнӣ (1), кӯчаи Турсунзода (1), кӯчаи Яккабоғ (3), |
contact:street:en | 1 | Ismoili Somoni Avenue (1), |
contact:street:ru | 1 | улица 20-солагии Истиклолият (1), |
contact:suburb | 1 | Diar Dushanbe (1), |
contact:twitter | 2 | https://twitter.com/NurTelecom (1), https://twitter.com/rusemb_dushanbe (1), |
contact:vk | 2 | https://vk.com/imoyka (1), https://vk.com/pecom (1), |
contact:website | 38 | http://dushanbe.emb.mfa.gov.tr/Mission (1), http://qishloqqurilishbank.uz (1), http://ru.dushanbe.mfa.ir/ (1), http://www.babilon-m.tj/en/contacts.php?id=2 (1), http://www.bsec-organization.org/ (1), http://www.dis.tj (1), http://www.hotel-mercury.tj/ (1), http://www.naturschutzinformationen-nrw.de/nsg/de/fachinfo/gebiete/gesamt/BOT_001 (1), http://www.naturschutzinformationen-nrw.de/nsg/de/fachinfo/gebiete/gesamt/BOT_007 (1), http://www.pamirlodge.com (1), http://www.pdm.gov.gr/ (1), http://www.radverkehrsnetz.nrw.de/ (1), http://www.tajik.gallery (1), https://abakus-center.ru/ (1), https://asean.org (1), https://autodom.tj/ (1), https://bellapizza.tj/ (1), https://casalaura.de/ (1), https://dushanbe.mid.ru/ (1), https://korzinka.uz/ (1), https://lockerpost.uz (2), https://moyka-uz.uz/ (1), https://o.kg/ru/chastnym-klientam/ (2), https://pecom.ru/ (1), https://tj.ambafrance.org/ (1), https://tj.usembassy.gov/ (1), https://www.esso.co.uk/en-gb/find-station/esso-strood-essotescofrindsburyexpress-100200412 (1), https://www.indenim.uz (1), https://www.intelmed.kg/ (2), https://www.ozon.ru (1), https://www.ozon.ru/ (2), prezident.tj (1), www.pamirhomestay.com (1), www.qishloqqurilishbank.uz (1), |
contact:whatsapp | 4 | +54 3492 52-0483 (1), +992000777000 (1), +992917322047;+992919484437 (1), +992929263366 (1), |
contact:youtube | 3 | https://www.youtube.com/@imoyka (1), https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkB-vf454lND1P-YzE_Z_PQ (1), https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyl1HCjclNYU2vamXFOsHjw (1), |
content | 10 | fuel (8), silage (1), water (1), |
contractor | 8 | Limmat Bus (8), |
conveying | 1 | forward (1), |
count | 21 | 2 (19), 3 (1), 4 (1), |
country | 31 | AF (2), AZ (1), BY (1), CH (1), CN (1), DE (1), DK (1), EU (1), FR (2), GB (1), IN (1), IR (3), JP (1), KG (1), KZ (1), RU (4), SA (1), TM (2), TR (1), UA (1), US (1), UZ (1), таджикистан (1), |
country_code_fips | 3 | CA (1), LG (1), TI (1), |
covered | 107 | booth (1), no (24), yes (82), |
craft | 90 | atelier (1), beekeeper (1), blacksmith (4), brewery (1), carpenter (1), caterer (4), confectionery (4), distillery (3), dressmaker (4), electrician (6), electronics_repair (14), gardener (1), hvac (1), key_cutter (1), metal_construction (2), photographer (8), photographic_laboratory (1), sawmill (2), scaffolder (1), sculptor (1), shoemaker (7), tailor (7), tinsmith (1), upholsterer (2), window_construction (2), winery (3), yes (7), |
crane:mobile | 1 | rail (1), |
credit | 1 | yes (1), |
crop | 40 | corn (1), fruit (1), grape (11), grass (3), rice (1), sugarcane (21), wheat (2), |
crossing | 717 | marked (142), no (1), traffic_signals (135), uncontrolled (163), unmarked (156), zebra (120), |
crossing:barrier | 21 | full (2), half (3), no (11), yes (5), |
crossing:bell | 6 | no (3), yes (3), |
crossing:island | 46 | no (38), yes (8), |
crossing:light | 10 | yes (10), |
crossing:markings | 137 | dashes (1), dots (2), ladder (23), lines (12), no (60), yes (21), zebra (18), |
crossing:saltire | 3 | yes (3), |
crossing_ref | 83 | pegasus (1), pelican (4), zebra (78), |
ctr | 441 | TJ (441), |
cuisine | 274 | Burger (1), Georgian (1), National (1), National_food (1), Shaslik, Chicken Curry, French fries, Tea, Coffee (1), Tajik (1), african (1), american (2), american;burger;chicken;pizza;friture;sandwich;mexican;international (1), american;coffee_shop;hotdog;ice_cream;italian;italian_pizza;pasta (1), american;deli;donut;friture;burger;ice_cream;international;italian_pizza;chicken;coffee_shop;cake;tea;turkish (1), american;friture;burger;international;chicken;pizza;sandwich;mexican (1), american;friture;burger;international;pizza (1), american;grill;breakfast;kebab;coffee_shop;local;tea;tapas;beef_bowl;pizza;pasta (1), american;mexican;tex-mex (1), american;sandwich;donut;deli;friture;burger;international;italian_pizza;chicken;coffee_shop;cake;tea;turkish;ice_cream;hot_dog (1), asian (14), asian;Samsa;Самбусочная (1), asian;barbecue;friture;chicken;oriental;grill;kebab;ice_cream;coffee_shop;local;beef_bowl;russian;fish_and_chips;tea (1), asian;barbecue;ice_cream;kebab (1), asian;chinese (1), asian;friture;chicken;american;breakfast;ice_cream;coffee_shop;international;local;regional;beef_bowl;russian;fish_and_chips;sausage;sandwich;hot_dog;tea (1), asian;kebab;breakfast;grill;local (1), asian;oriental;grill;breakfast;persian;ice_cream;coffee_shop;russian;tea (1), asian;regional;italian;steak_house;greek (1), asian;tea;coffee_shop;cake (1), barbecue;chicken;oriental;kebab;coffee_shop (1), barbecue;chicken;oriental;kebab;coffee_shop;local;regional;beef_bowl;russian;fish_and_chips;tea (1), barbecue;friture;chicken;deli;breakfast;ice_cream;kebab;coffee_shop;international;beef_bowl;russian;steak_house (1), barbecue;grill;local (1), barbecue;pancake;chicken;burger;oriental;diner;breakfast;kebab;coffee_shop;international;local;regional;beef_bowl;fish_and_chips;sausage;steak_house;sandwich;crepe;hotdog;tea (1), beef_bowl;breakfast;burger;chicken;coffee_shop;fish_and_chips;grill (1), beef_bowl;coffee_shop;japanese;seafood;sushi (1), bistro (3), breakfast;cake;coffee_shop;italian;pizza (1), breakfast;grill;seafood;coffee_shop;steak_house;pasta;italian;chicken;barbecue (1), breakfast;ice_cream;local;coffee_shop;asian;greek;diner (1), burger (12), burger;breakfast;coffee_shop;ice_cream (1), burger;cake;coffee_shop;ice_cream (1), burger;chicken;diner;fish;japanese;kebab;noodles (1), burger;hotdog;turkish;oriental;american;sandwich;sausage;coffee_shop;ice_cream;arab (1), burger;pizza (1), burger;pizza;hotdog;sandwich (1), burger;pizza;sandwich (1), burger;sandwich (1), chicken (3), chicken;hot_dog;burger;sandwich;coffee_shop;breakfast;pancake (1), chicken;pizza;burger (1), chinese (1), chinese;japanese;pizza;ramen;seafood;sushi (1), chinese;japanese;seafood (1), coffee_shop (5), coffee_shop;italian_pizza (1), coffee_shop;italian_pizza;pizza (1), coffee_shop;kebab (1), crepe;hotdog;oriental;american;sausage;sandwich;coffee_shop;ice_cream;burger;breakfast;arab (1), curry;indian (1), different kind of food (1), european (2), fast_food (2), fine_dining;regional;local;international (1), fish (3), fish;oriental;international;breakfast;local;coffee_shop;steak_house;fine_dining;fish_and_chips;chicken;kebab;barbecue (1), fish_and_chips (2), georgian (3), georgian;italian (1), greek (1), hot_dog (1), ice_cream (4), indian (2), international (3), international;pasta;pizza (1), italian;pizza;burger;sandwich;chicken;american;ice_cream (1), italian_pizza (1), japanese;sushi (1), kebab (8), kebab;local (2), kebab;local;coffee_shop (1), lebanese;mediterranean (1), local (11), local;asian (1), local;cake (1), local;grill;barbecue (1), mediterranean (1), mexican (1), onigiri;japanese (1), oriental (3), oriental;breakfast;kebab;cake;coffee_shop;local;beef_bowl;tea (1), oriental;grill;tea;kebab;barbecue (1), oriental;international;breakfast;local;coffee_shop;asian;russian (1), oriental;international;french;grill;coffee_shop;friture;steak_house;beef_bowl;greek;italian;chicken (1), oriental;international;grill;tea;asian;beef_bowl;deli;chicken;kebab (1), oriental;regional;breakfast;cake;tea;coffee_shop;local;donut (1), oriental;regional;hotdog;breakfast;tea;local;coffee_shop;asian;pancake;pizza (1), pizza (12), pizza;burger;american (1), pizza;burger;chicken;ice_cream (1), pizza;burger;etc (1), pizza;burger;kebab;chicken (1), pizza;burger;kebab;turkish;chicken;american (1), pizza;burger;kebab;turkish;ice_cream (1), pizza;burger;regional;asian;ice_cream (1), pizza;burger;sandwich;chicken (1), pizza;coffee_shop (1), regional (57), regional,_e.g._mantu (1), regional;pilaf (1), regional;turkish;asian;chicken (1), russian food (1), russian;pasta;sandwich;coffee_shop;georgian (1), sandwich;breakfast;tea;seafood;cake;coffee_shop;friture;pasta;pancake;chicken (1), sandwich;coffee_shop;cake (1), sandwich;international;sushi;seafood;local;pasta;russian;italian;italian_pizza (1), savory_pancakes;ukrainian (1), shish-kebab;kebab (1), steak_house;american (1), tajik (6), tea (1), tea;coffee_shop;sandwich;deli (1), traditional (3), turkish (3), turkish;asian;ice_cream (1), Таджикская_кухня (1), доставка_еды;кофе_с_собой (1), корейская_+_европейская (1), курица (2), мексиканская (1), турецкая (3), |
currency | 2 | EUR (2), |
currency:EUR | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:RUB | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:TJS | 4 | yes (4), |
currency:USD | 2 | yes (2), |
currency:UZS | 3 | yes (3), |
currency:XBT | 2 | yes (2), |
currency:others | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:сомони | 2 | yes (2), |
cutting | 8 | yes (8), |
cycle_barrier | 1 | double (1), |
cycle_barrier:installation | 1 | fixed (1), |
cycle_network | 32 | AU:NSW:shoulder (1), BE:VL (1), CA:BC:Surrey (1), CA:QC:RV (1), CA:QC:VM (1), DE:BY:NBW (1), EuroVelo (9), UK:National Cycle Network (2), US (3), US:ACA (1), US:AL (1), US:NC:Surry (1), US:OH (2), US:US (6), ca:qc:rv (1), |
cyclestreet | 2 | yes (2), |
cycleway | 145 | crossing (7), lane (13), no (115), shared_lane (2), shoulder (2), track (5), unmarked_lane (1), |
cycleway:both | 52 | lane (2), no (47), separate (2), shared_lane (1), |
cycleway:both:buffer | 1 | yes (1), |
cycleway:both:lane | 1 | pictogram (1), |
cycleway:left | 7 | lane (1), no (3), separate (3), |
cycleway:right | 23 | lane (5), no (9), separate (2), shared_lane (1), track (6), |
cycleway:right:buffer | 5 | lane (1), no (4), |
cycleway:right:lane | 2 | advisory (1), pictogram (1), |
cycleway:right:segregated | 1 | no (1), |
cycleway:smoothness | 1 | excellent (1), |
cycleway:surface | 3 | asphalt (3), |