facebook24 (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1),
faces341 (13), 2 (20), 4 (1),
factory2sugar, alcohol (1), textile_mill (1),
faculty21agriculture (1), architects;tourism (1), architecture (2), arts (1), biology;chemestry (1), computer_science (1), dentistry (1), economics (1), engineering (4), humanities (2), law (1), medicine (2), psychology (2), unknown (1),
fair_trade2only (1), yes (1),
fare_zone2113 (6), 545 (3), 650 (11), Taunton;Somerset (1),
farm_boundary10yes (10),
farm_name6NA (4), Shallow Harbour (1), West Point (1),
farm_stats2Shallow Harbour (1), West Point (1),
farmland10field (9), terraced (1),
farmyard134dairy (6), feedlot (19), poultry (109),
fast_food5canteen (5),
fax27(4) 4510662 (1), + 591 2 2311708 (1), +33450480330 (1), +33467628771 (1), +49 40 53009699 (1), +49 5841 6292 (1), +49 6192 967920 (1), +501 3 3327717 (1), +591 2 2151516 (1), +591 2 2791616 (1), +591 2 2813026 (1), +591 2 2813506 (1), +591 2151516 (1), +591 3 3122854 (1), +591 4 424 8710 (1), +591 4 4254352 (1), +591 4 4372846 (1), +591 4 4528286 (1), +591 4 6438883 (1), +591 4 6439187 (1), +591 4 6451850 (1), +591 46655600 (1), +591 8622155 (1), +591-4-4250484 (1), +59133527688 (1), +59144300561 (1), +59144520838 (1),
fdot:fihs9101 (1), 103 (4), 107 (2), 153 (1), 157 (1),
fdot:ref16CR 151 (1), CR 2204 (1), CR 260 (1), CR 35A (1), CR 423 (3), CR 526 (2), CR 587 (2), CR 59 (1), CR 664 (1), CR 664A (1), CR 691 (1), CR 721 (1),
fdot:sis8yes (7), yes (connector) (1),
fee23221.50 (1), 100 AMD (2), 150 (1), 16.0 (1), 2 Bs (1), 2.6 (1), 30 BOB (1), 5 (1), 8 Bs (1), BOB 100 (2 adults, camper) (1), BOB 120 (2 adults, camper) (2), BOB 180 (2 adults, camper) (1), BOB 50 (2 adults, camper) (1), BOB 60 (2 adults, camper) (1), BOB 70 (2 adults, camper) (1), BOB 90 (2 adults, camper) (1), Banco Union (2), Bs. 40 (1), Cajero (2), Cajero Banco de Crédito (1), Camping itself is free, but for visiting P.N. Amboró a guide must be hired for BOB 180 per day. Arrangements for the guide can be made at SENAP in Buena Vista. (1), interval (1), no (991), yes (1305),
fee:conditional1yes @ (Mo-Fr 07:00-22:00) (1),
fee_zone31 (1), 2 (2),
female35no (2), only (4), yes (29),
fence8bars (2), chain_link (4), railing (2),
fence_type961barbed_wire (11), bars (27), brick (2), chain (6), chain_link (460), concrete (8), corrugated_metal (4), hedge (2), metal (135), metal_bars (73), metalw (1), net (3), pole (7), railing (55), slatted (1), split_rail (3), stone (4), wall (103), wire (36), wire_mesh (4), wood (11), yes (5),
fenced13no (4), non_protecting (1), protecting (5), yes (3),
ferry122no (4), pontoon (1), tertiary (1), trunk (3), yes (113),
fhrs:id2392839 (1), 505716 (1),
fhrs:local_authority_id1PI/000138189 (1),
field_name4Acambuco (aca) (1), Aguaragüe (agu) (3),
fine:bicycle15,000 PHP (1),
fine:foot15,000 PHP (1),
fire_hydrant:diameter17100 (7), 150 (3), 200 (3), 400 (1), 80 (3),
fire_hydrant:position37green (5), lane (10), parking_lot (2), sidewalk (20),
fire_hydrant:pressure5~6 bar (5),
fire_hydrant:type49Needs_a_Name (1), pillar (36), underground (12),
fire_operator2yes (2),
fire_rank31bis (1), 2 (2),
fire_station:type3airport (2), voluntary (1),
fire_station:type:FR1CPI (1),
fireplace14braai (2), no (8), yes (4),
fishing14fee (1), private (2), restriction (1), yes (10),
fishing:fr:description1Réserve temporaire de pêche (1),
fishing:fr:name1Interdiction temporaire de pêche sur la Lône de l’Islon (1),
fishing:fr:source:pref1pref84 (1),
fishing:fr:source:pref:arrete1Arrêté préfectoral du 12 Mars 2021 (1),
fishing:restriction1temporary_no_fishing (1),
fishing:restriction:end_date14eme dimanche de Juin (1),
fishing:restriction:start_date12eme dimanche de Mars (1),
fitness_station80box (2), fitness_station (2), horizontal_bar (2), parallel_bars (1), yes (73),
fix2exact_location (1), population (1),
fixme6259* (4), + 2x Zusatzanzeiger Zs? (1), + Zusatzanzeiger Zs? (2), 2 schools with the same name (1), 4 (1), 88a does not exist. From 2020 there is a route 88 (1), Abends Route über Randersacker (1), Add remaining bus stops (1), Add stops (1), Add stops. (1), Add water (1), Adjust Geometry (1), Adjust_Geometry (2), Adresse oder Eintragen als Gebäudeteil (1), Agencia de Marketing (1), Ajouter la direction Brécourt → Églantine château (1), All Geometry needs adjustment (1), Alt_name Needs to be verified (5), Any Value of Population Number NEEDS to be confirmed by Official Data of the INE of Bolivia. DO NOT PUBLISH FALSE INFORMATION IN THE MAP. (1), Approximate location based in Sentinel Data of 2022-01-22 (14), Approximate path (6), Approximate routing - tree cover obscures route. Ruta aproximado: los árboles oscurecen la ruta. (1), Approximativ way (7), Approximative Missing sat. Pictures (1), Approximative Way change with river (3), Approximative place (2), Approximative place - Name (1), Approximative place - (61), Approximative place - from open data (117), Approximative place from open data gov. bo (1), Approximative place from open data gov. bol. (290), Approximative way (19), Approximative way under darkness (1), Approximative way under trees (2), Approximative ways under darkness and trees (2), Approximative ways under trees (1), Baustellenumfahrung durch die Rottendorfer Str. aufgehoben (1), Bedienung Hst. Ricken Uznacherstrasse? (1), Beginn Streckenverlauf und Haltestelle Augsburg Theater fehlen noch (1), Bei gibt es eine abweichende Routenbeschreibung. Welche entspricht der Ausschilderung? (1), Better geometry (2), Bing Imagery covered by clouds (1), Bing shows residential, no grass anywhere?? (1), Can't read the Runway Number (1), Change geometry (5), Change geometry - need sat pic (4), Check Geometry (1), Check if correct (1), Check lanes. (1), Check road (1), Check road position (1), Check type of crossing (1), Check which segments are finished and still under construction (2), Chuquiaca Sur (100) y Chiquiaca Sur (164) parecen ser el mismo lugar (1), Clarificar si esto es Charapaya Alto o Estrellani (1), Clarification requested (1), Completa Data (1), Complete Data (4), Confirm Name (2), Confirm Name - No INE/IGM (1), Confirm routing at Bridgehouses roundabout (2), Confirm_name (1), Confirmar si es Calasaya o La Joya Aransaya (1), Confirmar si esto es Puerto Oro u otra localidad, pues hay datos cruzados entre el INE y el IGM (1), Consider for deletion (1), Continue (9), Continue - Clouds (1), Continue - Missing sat. Pictures (5), Continue - Needs Sat Pictures (1), Continue - Way into clouds (1), Cotinue (4), Could use verification and better conflation. (1), Crossing highway & coastline (4), Currently discontinuous; can't find source for modified route after block of McIndoe Street was vacated (1), Data Conflictiva entre Romer Kota (INE) y Cruce Luribay/Luribay (Carteles) (1), Data Contradictoria entre Usuarios y el INE/IGM. Necesita Verificacion. No existe en el INE/Ni en el IGM (1), Data NO oficial muestra 165 habitantes a 2022 (1), Datos del CNVP2012 establecen Poblacion Cero (0) (1), Dentista Horario de atención de lunes a viernes hrs. 9am - 6pm (1), Der Verlauf und damit die Beschilderung bei Memmingen wurden geändert und muss noch eingepflegt werden. Quelle: (1), Der mittlere Abschnitt, der durch Schleswig geht, weicht stark von der Route auf ab. Das sollte geprueft werden. (1), Die ausgeschilderten Radwege, die hier erfasst sind, werden in keiner App angezeigt. Eine Lösung ist ein Ansatz, der von einigen Mappern (zum Beispiel in Bielefeld) umgesetzt wird. Siehe (1), Dies ist die Gegenrichtung, diese sollte in der Hin-Richtung mit forward/backward-Rollen abgebildet werden (1), Diese Haus und das Nachbarhaus sind wohl etwas verzogen, müssten wohl einige Meter Richtung Osten / sind wohl etwas kleiner (1), Direction and name (5), Dit deel van de LF3 wordt opgeheven na de aanleg van de nieuwe icoonroute LF Maasroute. Wanneer de bewegwijzering is verwijderd, kan deze routerelatie worden verwijderd. (1), Doesn't exist anymore, replaced by new bus stops in Siegfried-Esterl-Gasse. Bus lines yet to relocate: 200, 201, 203, 207, 212, 220, 221, 233, 234, 8946 (5), Eerste deel Centraal-Zuidplein lijkt te missen. (1), Ei kai oikeastaan asemalle. (1), Eisingen St.-Josef-Stift; some stops missing (1), El área es una estimación (1), Es könnte nicht schaden, diese Route in einzelne Abschnitte zu unterteilen. (1), Exact Dimensions Required (1), Exact Dimensions Required (1), Exact Location (5), Exact Location to be Confirmed (1), Exact location (3), Exact_Location (20), Exact_Location_Required (1), Exact_location (75), Exact_location; area under clouds (1), Exactly where is the Portland end? (1), Exactly where is the east end? (1), Exactly where is the north end? (1), Exactly where was the south end? add Edgerton Branch (1), FRA ID? (2), Fahrtverlauf korrigieren & Stops/Plattformen aktualisieren (1), Fahrtweg Steinbach (1), Fahrweg anhand der Haltestellen geschätzt, z.T. fehlende Haltestellen (2), Fahrwege Oberrieden ↔ Tannenbach interpoliert aufgrund fehlernder Zwischenhalte; vor Ort zu überprüfen. (1), Falta revisar el area, no creo que los llimites son 100% correcto. (1), Future update coming with the new interstate that is only missing probably 200 miles of interstate that will complete the first interstate joining the entire U.S (1), Geometrie Update bei neuem Satbild (1), Haltekante Waldkirch Dorf? Wendefahrt in Waldkirch? (2), Haltestelle recherchieren und nachtragen: Alter Kupfermühlenweg (1), Haltestelle recherchieren und nachtragen: Konventgarten (2), Haltestellen Albertus-Magnus-Straße, Hucknger Markt, Am Biegerhof, Petersstraße, Rheinstahl, Heiligenbaumstraße, Molbergstraße, Am Kiekenbusch fehlen (1), Haltestellen fehlen (3), Haltestellen fehlen: Hürupfeld I und II, Markerup Kreuzung, Grötacker, Grundhof Ulmenallee und Lutzhöfter Straße (2), Haltestellen hinzufügen (1), Haltestellen recherchieren und nachtragen: Ostseebadweg, Glashütte, Schiffahrtsmuseum (2), Hay puente pero donde va el rio (6), Hay que mejorarlo (1), Hay un riachuelo aquí? (1), Honesdale 175%20ICC%20385%201931%20DH%20Honesdale%20Abandonment.pdf 175%20ICC%20745%201931%20Jefferson%20RR%20(Erie)%20Honsedale.pdf Archibald-Brunswick (1), Hwy 242S? (1), Höchstadt Don-Bosco-Schule (Hst 4) (1), INCIERTO (1), INE dice q esto es Banda Oriental 1, el Pueblo dice q esto es Cochabambita (1), INE nombra como Payota; todos los demas registros dicen Vilapampa (1), INE tiene aqui a la poblacion de Santo Domingo (121) y a la Poblacion de Nucleo 30 Sagrado Corazon (115), Hay q Verificar donde queda realmente cada una (1), Is SR 6 signed here? (1), Is the south end well-defined? (1), Is this all signed as rcn 1? How does it get into downtown Cleveland and through Galena? (1), Is this all signed as the Ohio to Erie Trail? How does it get into downtown Cleveland and through Galena? (1), Is this still one-way? (1), Itinerary is correct between Brussels and Stenokkerzeel Oud Station - copied from route 270 beyond that stop (1), Jungle border (1), Lage? Fahrplanaushang? (1), Large parts of this track are covered by trees but from a high view it is very obvious that the forest openings are aligned on a straight line, and therefore most probably man-made and connected by this track (1), Ligne sortie du réseau TER, non vérifiée (1), Linja piirrettävä Vantaankoskelle saakka. (1), Locality is for UNHABITED places. This Should be Village or Town (1), Looks more like a residential, than an industrial (1), Manque l'arrêt "Netto".ininéraire dans Le Teil à vérifier (2), Manque l'arrêts "Netto" (1), Manque les arrêts "Netto" et "Saint-Martin-d'Ardèche-Centre" (1), May not be complete;where are "Fifth" and "Eighth" Subdivisions?" (1), Missing Dungarvan+Ballyhale stop (1), NO INE / SI IGM (1), NO INE/IGM (1), Name (1), Name Needs Confirmation (1), Name Needs to be Confirmed (1), Name To be Confirmed (1), Name based in IGM-Bolivia Data (1), Name based in IGM-Bolivia data (5), Name based in data of IGM-Bolivia (1), Name needs Verification (1), Name to be Verified (2), Name_to_be_Confirmed (1), Name_to_be_confirmed (1), Necesita Nombre y Numero (1), Necesita conectarse con la carretera de abajo, pero no puedo ver la continuación de la misma debido a los árboles. por favor, amplíe si tiene mejores imágenes satelitales (1), Necestamos mejorarlo (1), Necestamos waterway=riverbank (1), Need_a_Name (1), Need_a_name (1), Needs Better Sat Image (1), Needs Carto (7), Needs Name to be verified (1), Needs a Name (18), Needs a Name (No INE/IGM) (1), Needs a name (4), Needs a name - This Was Not an Island Originally (1), Needs survery as doesn't look to be all a cliff (1), Needs to be Carto (1), Needs triple-tracking, alignment around Franconia, is very messy around Yampai, needs many fixes to include both/all tracks (1), Needs_Carto (1), Needs_Name_Confirmation (3), Needs_Official Name (1), Needs_a_Name (687), Needs_a_Name No INE/IGM data Minedu data es Not Realiable for name of location (1), Needs_a_Name Resurvey_Geometry (1), Needs_a_Name No INE/IGM (3), Needs_a_name (25), Needs_a_name No INE/IGM (1), No Data, resurvey (1), No INE ./ Si IGM (1), No INE / IGM (1), No INE / No IGM (79), No INE / No IGM. Name to be confirmed (1), No INE / SI IGM (3), No INE / SI IGM y MINEDU (1), No INE / Si IGM (151), No INE / Si IGM / Si Minedu (1), No INE / Si IGM y MinEDU (1), No INE / Si IGM y Minedu (2), No INE / Si Minedu (1), No INE /Si IGM (1), No INE/ No IGM (3), No INE/ Si IGM (1), No INE/IGM (190), No INE/IGM Minedu Bolivia ubica en este lugar la U.E. 23 de Marzo (61890032) y llama a la Localidad como San Martin (1), No INE/IGM, Si Minedu (2), No INE/IGME (2), No INE/IMG (3), No INE/No IGM (2), No INE/No IGM, Si Minedu (1), No INE/SI IGM (1), No INE/Si IGM (5), No Ine / No IGM (1), No Ine/Si IGM (1), No Operacional - Verificado el 2021-08-20 (1), No creo que exista, apenas una huella de lo que fué (1), No opening hours on sunday & evenings, because sunday & evenings have different route. (1), No road visible on Bing Imagery (1), No tiene suficiente detalle (1), Nombre Dado por Bolivia a ser Confirmado (1), Nombre dado por Bolivia Necesita Verificacion (1), Not shure if this is a waterway or a path/track (3), Outline is approximative. (1), Para el INE esta poblacion se Denomina Oficialmente San Juan de Chiquitos Cod. 5732254943-D. Otras Versiones la Identifican como San Juan de Taperas. (1), Para el INE esta poblacion se Denomina Oficialmente San Juan de Taperas Cod. 5590149339-D. Otras Versiones la Identifican como Taperas a secas. (1), Parece que no existe / verificar (1), Parece ser el Centro de Salud, no un plazuela (1), Peninsula relation probably shouldn't include offshore islands. (1), Piirettävä Lentoasemalle saakka, Kuninkaantammen kautta! (2), Piirrettävä Martinlaakson kautta (1), Please check the correctness of the Intrepid-Independence forward / backward role tags here; best is field check or signs. There may be other missing role tags on other oneway segments. (1), Please check/sort/add/delete stops. (2), Please continue waterway (3), Please kindly re check whether there is a ford on this road. (1), Please review the borders (1), Please verify - could also be a borrow pit (1), Poista osuus Myyrmäki-Varisto (2), Populatio. As per CNVP2012 were (0) (1), Population (351), Population No INE/IGM (2), Population (0) as per CNVP2012 (8), Population - No data available from the INE, so there is No Demography Data to be a Village (1), Population Needs to be as per Official data (1), Population Needs to be confirmed as per Official Data (1), Population Needs to be confirmed as per Official Data of the INE. (1), Population Needs to be confirmed as per Official Data. (1), Population as per CNVP2012 was Zero (0) (1), Population as per CNVP2012 is Zero (0) (1), Population needs to be confirmed as per Official Data (1), Population to be confirmed, INE established 65 habitants, unofficial sources 400 (1), Population. As per CNVP2012 was (0) (3), Population. Name Contradiction between INE and IGM (1), Population. No INE / No IGM (1), Population. No INE / Si IGM (3), Population. Para INE: Calavillca, para IGM: Pacollo (1), Posiblemente mismo lugar q Chuquiaca Sur (100) (1), Position nicht genau (1), Position, elevation, name (2), Positionen der Haltestellen außerhalb Flensburgs überprüfen, viele sind nur geschätzt. (2), Possiblity of being renamed in the naer future: (1), Private or public Track ? (11), Puente Sacambaya is just a bridge. Unknown and eventuually not even working. Why would so many road sections have this name. And even from Chulumani, which is 100 km away ?? (1), RESURVEY ALL ROAD (1), Re-draw (1), Real path (2), Redraw (7), Requiere Nombre y Numero de Notaria (3), Requires Carto (1), Resurvey (21), Resurvey - NO INE/IGM (1), Resurvey Geometry (29), Resurvey the Name (1), Resurvey. No INE/IGM (1), Resurvey_Geometry (31), Resurvey_Name (1), Resurvey_location (1), Retrace (1), Revisar: este punto fue creado por importación directa (1), River under Clouds (1), Road un der clouds - old road on bing (2017) (4), Route in Washington is unknown (1), Routenverlauf bei Haltestelle Ollersdorf Kirchengasse (1), Routing through Sheboygan appears to be wrong see: (1), Same route as D1 in Germay (id:9.890.960). Merge? (1), Same route as EV12 in Germay (id:918027). Merge? (1), Se identifico como ref=D187 pero No hay documento de soporte de ese numero (1), Segun el INE/IGM Laguna Grande y Laguna Chica quedan en la misma posicion. Resurvey (1), Separate lines from areas. (1), Some kind of tower here? (1), Standort korrekt, weitere Daten können für openfiremap eingetragen werden (1), Steigung prüfen und taggen (1), Stop used in Castle Gate? (1), Straatnaam komt niet overeen met BGT (1), Streckenführung in Hahausen und westlich von Langelsheim prüfen; 2022-10: Was prüfen? Problem genauer beschreiben. (1), Surface rechecked by 2/7/2018, confirmed as paved. (1), Survey for bike infrastructure (not visible on imagery, but is in city database) (1), Survey hours (2), The pedestrian crossing of the side road here may be either via a speed table or a "Copenhagen Crossing" (not checked when imported) #tflcid #surveyme (2), The symbol key's value is a dead link. (1), This Should be a Market or a Store, not a Charging Station (1), This bridge is new and does not show up on the Bing images yet. Location is approximate and should be moved to actual location once the imagery updates. (1), This obsolete Route23 remains after revising 22 and 24. If it is unlikely that 23 will be reinstated, then please delete this relation. (2), To Be Continued with more Updated Imagery (1), To be Continued not yet visible on other sat pic (1), To be Continued once new imagery is available 2022-02-09 (1), To be Continued when new imagery is available (1), To be continued (1), To continue… (2), To_be_Confirmed (1), To_be_Continued (22), To_be_continued (1), To_be_verified (1), Twice place for same school (6), Type of road (1), Unclear if it's Loreto (121) or Loreto (291) (1), Under Clouds (2), Under clouds (1), Under_Clouds (1), Unknown type of water crossing (2), Unsure if this segment of the road Exist (1), Update Geometry (1), Update alignment (1), Verificar Localizacion. INE dice q esta en Cochabamba, pero su localizacion es en Santa Cruz (1), Verificar Status Operativo (1), Verificar con el INE pues aparece como Camachaqui y como Kamacachi (1), Verificar el nombre oficial de Bolivia (18), Verificar localizacion exacta de Pocanche y Erapata (1), Verificar localização (1), Verificar si es 24 de Septiembre o La Planchada 2 (1), Verify Geometry (2), Verify Name (2), Verify speed limits against NG911 dataset (1), Verify_Geometry (1), Verlauf ab Pferseer Straße bis Endhaltestelle fehlt noch (1), Warsaw-Trespol missing (1), Way 842033562 ist eine TREPPE (und nicht in der Quelle verzeichnet); Wege 331983733/816732070 sind Fußweg (1), Way Not Visible (1), Way Under Clouds (1), Way into clouds (8), Way into darkness (12), Way not Visible (1), Way under Clouds (1), Way under clouds (46), Way under trees (17), Way under treets (1), Way_Under_Clouds (1), Way_under_Clouds (2), Weiterer Verlauf (1), What did it do in eastern Worthington? (1), Where is the signed south end? (1), Where is the signed west end? (1), Which country? Please check if this is an embassy and add "name" tags (e.g. "Embassy of Sweden"). (1), Why are there signs for 45 (rather than 210) on North Houston/Victory? Where is the signed south end? Check southbound route at Winton. Check both directions at University/Amesbury. Check route near I-635. (1), Wird umgebaut. Anpassungen erforderlich nach Abschluss Umbau (1), X038 (1), Zusatzanzeiger Zs? (1), access (1), add detail at north end (1), add detail at south end (1), add missing bus stops (20), add missing bus stops (note: old route_ref 216 at bus stops corresponds to this new 603 bus route) (2), add missing bus stops; verify route around Royal Melbourne Hospital & Melbourne University (1), add proper tags: Grão de Mostarda (1), add stops;parts missing;line incorrect (it's going from Norddeich/Emden to Koblenz/Trier) (1), add substations (1), add tags (18), addtags (5), align (3), amenity (1), approximative location (45), approximative size (1), approximative way - Need Sat picture (1), area (1), bing view too old (2), bitte ergänzen und evtl. korrigieren (1), boatyard middle of lake? (2), bolivian (1), boundary (3), bridge or ford? (1), can't not exist, but not visible under cloud cover at bing saat (4), change for better geometry (4), check (1), check location (2), check name (3), check road geometry here when sat pic or more gps tracks available (1), check shop (1), check signage at west end of NM 118, west of Palomas (1), check speed limit change location when heading to fair grounds away from the river, 25 to 35 is different depending on the direction there is a hundred feet or so difference (1), check where 70 zone becomes 100 leaving Mallacoota (1), check where this joins Sandy Hill Lane (1), check with GPS (3), check/adjust position (1), check/adjust position and/or merge with existing stop if exists (1), check: overgrown (1), cloud (1), clouds (4), clouds on the sat pic (1), coastline (1), complete check planned (1), complete name (2), confirm (1), confirm side of street for bike lane (1), confirmar posição (1), continu (5), continue (47), continue digitizing with better imagery or tracks (1), continue with newer imagery (1), continue/connect (1), continue; verify route in northern Kansas (1), continue? (1), continued (2), continued, but hidden under clouds in mapbox (1), continued, sat pic ends (1), continues (1), continues, but cloud cover (1), continues, but cloudy imagery (1), continues, but no more sat pic (1), continues, but sat pic ends (1), continues, needs better sat pic (1), contour (1), could do with anothe gpx track (1), course only approximate (1), cuisine (3), cuisine details (1), culvert? ford? alcantarilla? vado? (1), currently mapped area is estimated, please, capture a gps trace around it (3), cycleways (1), detatch from railways (1), difficult to detect way (1), do buses turn off at Leeds? (1), does not look like there is actually something here (1), draw properly (2), elevation (1), end of esri sat pictures (1), ese camino no esta correcto así (2), esta línea junto al límite del TIPNIS forma parte del polígono 7, un área máxima de colonización dentro de la TCO. hay que crear el polígono de la TCO. En geobolivia hay el dataset de las TCOs (1), estimated due to low res satellite imagery coverage (1), exact location (41), exact location , E.S. no funciona hace muchos años. (1), exact location;exact location (1), exact position (1), exact_location (32), exact_location Under Clouds (2), exact_location Under Clouds (1), extrapolation (5), facebook site isn't working: - Is this place still working? (1), faculty and contact data (1), faltam paragens em Lisboa (1), faltan paradas (1), fehlende Bahnsteige (2), fill gaps (crossed the Suwannee at Charles Spring) (1), fisoterapia o gym (1), fix area of fort samaipata, official area is 260 hectares (1), forest opening, probable salt pan, or temporary wetland, colors differ in imagery but visible in all major sources (1), frigobar; rooms = Apartamentos (1), geht's da weiter? (1), geometria (1), geometry (8), goes to 4 lanes somewhere (1), guessed geometry, cloudy sat pic (1), hard to see under the trees (1), has the TTC stop been relocated since December 2016? (3), hay ahora una construcción ahi (1), height (2), hgv,duration (1), high res (1), how does it loop at the west end if it has to be on Hayvenhurst northbound at Magnolia? (1), how does it turn around at the IRS? (1), how does it turn around at the east end? (1), how does it turn around at the north end? (1), how does it turn around at the north end? verify route in Patchogue (2), how does the Pitman express variant go? (1), (2), impreciso por no haber imagenes a alta resolucion (1), improve details (16), improve shape (1), improve the coastline (1), incomplete (10), incomplete - track continues (1), incomplete; continue between Westport and Louisburgh (1), incomplete;route nog in aanleg (1), intermittent ? (1), is speed limit 30 all the way south? (1), is this a divided road/one way street? (1), junction could do with refinement, crossings and cycle paths added etc. (1), kind request to local native speakers to check name and spelling. (1), las zonas de descanso podrian ser aleatorias en el salar... (1), limits don't fit with census 2020 :,-86.2712,z12.4443&vintage=2020&layer=VT_2020_160_00_PY_D1 (1), location (16), location & type (1), location and size apporximate (1), location approximate (8), low res (11), low res sat pictures (5), low resolution (41), map me properly (1), map properly (1), maxspeed? (1), mejorar camino no se ve en imágenes (1), mejorar el trazo, ahora es aproximado (1), might be a bridge instead (1), might be a place=hamlet named "10 de Mayo II", but nothing visible on imagery (1), might be a place=hamlet named "Villa San José", but nothing visible on imagery (1), missing name (18), name (178), name ?? (1), name, cuisine (1), name. (1), name1 (2), name? (3), nearby service roads missing (1), need survey - private or public ownership? (1), need varrification (1), needs a name (555), needs a name; there was a duplicate entry with municipality Santa Rosa (1), needs better geometry (7), needs details at Jersey City/Hoboken end (2), needs name (3), needs route to Journal Square (1), needs sat pic or gpx for better geometry (6), needs survey (3), needs to belong to a relation (1), needs_a_name (5), no es posible determinar vía imágen satelital si existe este elemento (1), no houses in sight (1), no imagery (1), no stream on Bing or another source (3), no sé si el tag está correcto I don't know if the tag is correct (1), no veo nada por aquí (1), nombre (54), nombre desconocido de la aldea (1), nombre y especialidad (1), nome do lugar fonte tracklog wikloc (1), north boundary (1), not always accurate as we lost the path couple of times (4), nothing visible round here (1), nov. 2017 - Do not use Bing Sat Pictures in this area (1), old SR 66? (1), only middle part based on GPS track (2), only visible on low res sat pics (mapbox sat) (4), order of ways in this route relation; check for gaps, doe sit also include the adjacent bicycle tracks? (1), parts of this path are actually track (2), path (8), phone number seems wrong (2), platforms missing after Metsäkyläntie (2), please check the platforms and the connectivity of rail, especially those with more than 2 platforms (3), please kindly recheck this warning area due crossing highway and waterbody which doesn't exist on imagery (unclear) (1), podría ser urbanizacion cerrada o nuevo barrio (1), population (171), population / Not recorde in the INE (1), population; exact_location (1), position (10), position is not exactly (6), postion/provide GPS (3), preguntar por el nombre local, no creo que sea arco de piedra (1), probably continues into the forest (1), recheck ref and stop position in Bantzenheim and Mulhouse-Villle (3), reconstructed but unshure (2), ref (1), reference (1), relation should be split in a two directions as part of a parent relation (1), relation with (1), resurvey (1302), resurvey after recovery (1), resurvey; Area covered by Clouds (2), resurvey; Image Fuzzy (3), resurvey; area below clouds (2), resurvey; area covered by Clouds (2), resurvey; way under cloud (3), retrace (2), rough outline (1), rough outline;position is not exactly (2), route is not marked with cardinal direction along some sections, needs ground truth (1), sat image missing (5), seems an improbable place for a hamlet; nothing to be seen on bing (1), service tigomoney (1), shop (1), size and shape are a guess (1), size approxmiate (1), specify track when possible (1), sprawdzić jak staje na stomilu (1), still connected? (1), stops missing (1), stops missing; Verlauf Halle-Berlin? Auch anderswo fehlen Zwischenhalte siehe: (1), street (2), street, cuisine (1), street, name (3), surface,layer (4), survey (2), survey name (1), tag (1), tags (1), tal vez está en proceso de construcción (1), tatsächliche platform bei Bahnhof/ZOB fehlt; jetzige Angabe ist nur Ersatz; Stürzenberg falsche Seite (1), the whole route is not added (1), there are some agricultural fields within this polygon (2), there is nothing to see here (hi res mapbox sat available) (1), there is nothing to see here (mapbox sat available) (1), this point probably connects somehow to the path accross the river (2), to complete (1), to continue (3), to do: new route via Weiz Zentrum instead of Kapruner Generator Straße (15), type of business (1), type, name (1), type=tyres (1), under clouds (4), unknow usage (1), unknown type of water crossing (14), unknown type of watter (5), unknown type of watter crossing (4), unvollständig (1), uporządkować Łoskoń vs Łoskoń / Zajezdnia, na tą chwilę pominięty jest przystanek Łoskoń / Zajezdnia (1), verificar camino no existe en imágenes (4), verificar existencia (2), verificar la existencia (9), verificar no existe en imágenes (2), verificar que exista (no se ven en imagenes) (5), verificar que exista arroyos (no se ven en imagenes) (49), verificar que exista arroyos (no se ven en imagenes) al perecer el otro de la derecha es el correcto (1), verificar que exista camino (no se ve en imagenes) (1), verificar que sea un arroyo, no se ve en imágenes (1), verify 4th-Oregon outbound (2), verify 811 (not Fairchild Gardens) (1), verify Bridge-Winnequah-Owen, Delaplaine/Haywood; can you stay on from one loop to the next (e.g. ride from Madison to Monona in the morning)? (1), verify Hope-Flower southbound and route at Union Station (1), verify Huntington Lake end (1), verify MD 7 near Belcamp (2), verify Perkins Street (1), verify details (10), verify details, especially in Bondsville (1), verify east end (2), verify end (1), verify gap (does it use I-94?) (1), verify loop at east end (1), verify northbound route at Moorestown Mall and in Trenton (1), verify route at Borrego Springs (1), verify route at CTC (1), verify route at CTC, BVTC (1), verify route at Century Village, Westwinds Shopping Center (1), verify route at ECC South (1), verify route at Eltingville Transit Center (4), verify route at Goodwill (1), verify route at Hiram Clarke (1), verify route at Kashmere and Eastwood, order of LBJ Hospital (1), verify route at North Boulevard Church (1), verify route at North Transfer Point (1), verify route at Palm Beach Outlets (2), verify route at Rancho San Diego Town Center, Twin Lakes (1), verify route at Smith Haven Mall (2), verify route at Smyrna Kmart (1), verify route at The Shops, ECC South (1), verify route at University Area Transit Center, Marion Transit Center (3), verify route at Woodland Mall, Walmart, Rivertown Crossings (1), verify route at airport and Canal Street; does it actually go inbound on I-10 ever? (1), verify route between Townsend and Mayo; in Branford (may have stayed next to the railroad); in and near Fort White; what's with Dixie Highway south of downtown Perry? (1), verify route details (2), verify route in Auburn (1), verify route in Patchogue, off Yaphank Avenue (4), verify route in Patchogue; how does it turn around at Patchogue and Bellport? (2), verify route near Auburn-Kent and near Seaway transit center (1), verify route north of Helena (1), verify route through Cape Girardeau (might use Main-Broadway-Water-William) (1), verify south end (1), verify speed limit (1), verify variant via Shipyard (1), verify west end (1), very rough geometry (4), way into darkness (8), way under cloud (5), way under clouds (46), way under trees (9), website not available anymore (1), what does it do at Fort Wilderness? (1), what's with Driftwood-Nestor? (1), when satview available (2), which name ? (1), yes (208), yes - Complete Name (1), zweryfikować czy ten wariant istnieje, z rozkładu można domyślić się że jest, ale nie jest on jednoznacznie wyróżniony (1), zweryfikować jak jedzie przy nekla akacjowa (2), zweryfikować jak jedzie przy zołedowo augustowska (2), zweryfikować jak jedzie przy zołedowo augustowska i nekla akacjowa (2), zweryfikować jak jedzie przy zołedowo szkoła (1), zweryfikować jak staje na stomilu (1), zweryfikować jak staje na łęgnowie i stomilu (1), zweryfikować na którym Leśnym staje (1), ~1000 Haltestellen Relationen entfernen / umwandeln. (1), Überprüfen, ob diese Route Duplikat bereits vorhandener Route ist oder überhaupt nicht mehr existiert (war 2009 falsch getaggt angelegt, und somit im Normalfall unsichtbar gewesen) Anmerkung rotbarsch: Im Bereich Lange Straße zwischen Grimbergstraße und (1), Нужно добавить остановки по дороге (1), Проверить по треку, выяснить номер маршрута (1), Уточнить трассу по Пушкину (1), пофіксити контури будинка (1), 或许需要双线,因为路中间有护栏隔离 (1),
fixme_112Puente Sacambaya is just a bridge. Unknown and eventuually not even working. Why would so many road sections have this name. And even from Chulumani, which is 100 km away ?? (7), population (5),
flag47File:Flag of Mercosur.svg (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (2), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), no (3), yes (1),
flag:colour3blue;pink (1), red;yellow;green (1), yellow;orange;red;purple;blue;green;white;yellow;orange;red;purple;blue;green (1),
flag:name5Bolivia (3), Cochabamba (1), wiphala (1),
flag:type17city (1), indigenous (1), municipal (1), national (9), regional (5),
flag:wikidata4Q1193967 (1), Q134874 (3),
flashing_lights4button (1), yes (3),
floating18no (2), yes (16),
flood_prone257intermittent (68), tidal (5), yes (184),
flow_control1sluice_gate (1),
flow_direction3forward (3),
flow_rate52000 l/min (5),
food1yes (1),
foot9096: 1
Roshmaps: 2
hughrt: 10
AWMapper: 6
seudodata: 2
Basti69: 2
Geofreund1: 1
ialokim: 1
jwald: 2
RideAndDriveTrails: 1
MunichWays: 6
Mark_Ainsworth: 3
TheNet1996: 1
patodiez: 3
Scalarik: 1
thelongrun: 1
DeBukkIt: 2
RichRico: 1
EricTheLinguist: 1
JJIglesias: 11
RrPt: 1
Rhoon: 1
FERINA365: 4
samely: 1
totosm: 1
TagaSanPedroAko: 1
gt123451000: 1
bwbuz: 2
mstriewe: 1
nemesis51: 1
BER319: 1
Jens Kubieziel: 2
Xre90: 1
Freek Bes: 1
opendcc: 1
Buffty: 1
Andrew Matheny: 3
Petsamo: 1
jannes mck: 1
Shaunb: 1
YoViajo: 2
Langlaeufer: 1
Woazboat: 1
Toni100: 2
Team Saturo: 1
salisburymistake: 1
Derick Rethans: 1
BigKev97: 1
ezekielf: 4
arichnad: 1
cyankahly: 1
sullynole: 3
Max-Kritic: 1
VSA_: 1
bibulous: 1
ahab003: 2
Gerhard Arnsdorff: 1
Ze0zohk1: 2
ratrun: 1
motogs: 1
pd8JUHyoPJ: 2
mattropolis: 1
johnrobot: 1
TacoBeans44: 1
Thomas Jarvis: 1
Mex: 1
Mippzon: 1
lollybyte: 3
MitteloberrheinischerWaldameisenschreck: 1
1998alexkane: 2
FennecusZerda: 1
Kevin Escalera: 41
mikeocool: 1
garx91: 15
John Stanworth: 2
etgg: 1
51114u9: 336
kesterlester: 1
phodgkin: 2
Bojan79m: 2
Larmax: 1
rvc113: 1
oha: 1
nahomy: 3
Robert Whittaker: 1
TheJAwesome1: 5
Andre Jirent Cuellar Avaroma: 1
ErichJacobi: 1
Misa_zumba: 2
mumblin: 1
stukulele: 1
EptingR: 1
keravalainen: 1
GDFG32: 6
')" onclick="ap(this)">designated (674)
, discouraged (2), no (1017), official (1), permissive (88), permit (6), private (7), use_sidepath (245), yes (7056),
foot:conditional8no @ (Mo-Sa 09:00:16:00) (1), no @ (Mo-Su 09:00:16:00) (1), no @ (Mo-Su 09:00:18:00) (1), permissive @ (sunrise-sunset) (2), yes @ (Sa 00:00-23:59) (1), yes @ (permit) (2),
footway11460access_aisle (1), crossing (5694), path (1), sidewalk (5716), traffic_island (48),
footway:both2track (2),
footway:both:surface2paving_stones (2),
footway:surface36asphalt (25), compacted (1), concrete:plates (1), paving_stones (9),
ford48576intermittent (3), no (19), seasonal (16), stepping_stones (2), stream (9), yes (48527),
forestry2yes (2),
format1obelisk (1),
format:top1pyramidal (1),
fortification_type1ringfort (1),
fountain146bubbler (2), decorative (15), drinking (1), dry (1), jet_water (27), noozle (3), nozzle (93), splash_pad (3), water (1),
free2varies (2),
frequency4010 (93), 01:00 (1), 1 (4), 10 (1), 101.8 FM (1), 123.625 MHz (1), 16.67 (4), 16.7 (35), 1:00 (1), 2 (2), 25 (3), 3 (3), 4 (2), 5 (1), 50 (209), 6 (3), 60 (34), 8 (1), 95.5 FM (1), AM 980;FM 100.3;TV 12 (1),
from5829's-Gravenzande, De Brug (1), 's-Hertogenbosch, Admiraliteitslaan (2), 's-Hertogenbosch, Centraal Station (9), 's-Hertogenbosch, Maasoever (2), 1-е отделение учхоз "Кубань" (1), 12 de Septiembre (1), 13-й микрорайон Тушина (1), 14 Krug (1), 14 de Abril (1), 16 de Julio (4), 2 (1), 2-й микрорайон Южного Бутова (1), 22nd & Cuming NE (1), 26th Ave / Francis Lewis Blvd (1), 4th & Stockton Streets (1), 5-й микрорайон Солнцева (1), 5-й микрорайон Тёплого Стана (5), 6 de Marzo (1), 82nd Street & I-35W (3), 85 Franklin Street (1), A Toxa (1), ADEPS (1), Aachen Bushof (2), Aachen Fuchserde (2), Aalborg, Busbahnhof (2), Aalen ZOB (14), Aarhus, Busbahnhof (2), Abapo (SCZ) (1), Abbiategrasso (1), Aberystwyth Bus Station (4), Aberystwyth University / Porter's Lodge (1), Abzweig Tempelsgreuth (1), Achumani (1), Acton Old Town Hall (1), Addison Transit Center (2), Adjamé Renault (1), Adony, városháza (1), Aeropuerto (3), Aeropuerto Internacional El Alto (1), Aeropuerto Viru Viru (1), Agapinoros (Mathitiki) (1), Agapinoros (Mayfair - Mathitiki) (1), Agiou Georgiou Avenue (1), Agronomía (1), Aguiar de Sousa (1), Aguirre (1), Aigues-Mortes (1), Aiquile (1), Akfırat Evleri (1), Akkrum Station (1), Aksarben Transit Center (1), Alabang (3), Alabang South Station (2), Albaching, Sparkasse (1), Albisrieden (1), Alboraia Peris Aragó (1), Albury railway station (1), Alcalá de Henares (1), Aldeburgh, Fort Green (1), Alfred Hospital (1), Alfredo Chaves (1), Allach (1), Allach Bahnhof (1), Almere Haven, Station Buiten (1), Almere Hout, Nobelhorst Midden (1), Almere Stad, Station Centrum (3), Almere Stad, Station Parkwijk (1), Almere-Stad, Station Centrum (1), Alonso Yañez Mendoza (1), Alperton Sainsbury's (1), Alperton Station (1), Alsager (3), Altdorf (1), Altenburg Nord (1), Alto Buena Vista (1), Alto Oruro (1), Alto Valle Hermoso 5 de octubre (1), Altrincham (3), Altstadtmarkt (2), Altstetten (2), Altstätten (1), Alum Chine (1), Am Nordkreuz (1), Amiraya (2), Amsterdam (1), Amsterdam Sloterdijk (9), Amsterdam Station Bijlmer ArenA (1), Amsterdam Station Holendrecht (3), Amsterdam, Amstelstation (3), Amsterdam, Leidseplein (1), Amsterdam, Schiphol Airport (1), Amsterdam, Sloterdijk (1), Amsterdam, Station Bijlmer ArenA (2), Amsterdam, Station Holendrecht (1), Amsterdam, Station Zuid (1), Amsterdam, Vennepluimstraat (1), Ancaravi (1), Ancona, Parkplatz Archi (1), Andel, Prinsentuin College (1), Andelfingen (1), Andreasberg, Abzweig Dörnberg (2), Angat Bus Terminal (1), Angelroda, Siedlung (2), Angered Centrum (1), Angerskirchen (1), Anklam, ZOB (1), Annala (1), Anne de Bretagne (1), Annecy, Busbahnhof (1), Annecy, Gare routière (2), Annehem (1), Antipolo (1), Antofagasta (2), Antony RER (1), Antwerpen Centraal (1), Antwerpen, Konigin Astridplein (2), Aosta, Autostazione (1), Apollinaire Desnos (1), Apote (1), Appenzell (1), Apt (3), Arbon (1), Arca South (1), Arenal (1), Arica (1), Arkel, Station (1), Arlanda (1), Arnex, gare (1), Arnhem, Centraal Station (1), Arninge station (1), Arnstadt, Bustreff (2), Arnstadt, Erfurter Kreuz (1), Arnstadt, Hauptbahnhof (3), Arrumani (1), Arvin Transit Center (1), Aschaffenburg, Hbf/ROB (1), Aschbach (2), Ashton-under-Lyne (4), Asnières–Gennevilliers – Gabriel Péri (1), Assen Station (1), Assisi, Piazza Unità d'Italia (1), Astoria - 2 Av (1), Asunción-Universidad (1), Athlone (2), Athy (2), Attendorn (1), Au, Gemeinde Dinkelscherben (4), Aubergenville - Reine Astrid (2), Auchan Dunakeszi (1), Aue, Postplatz (2), Auf dem Sande (Speicherstadt) (1), Augsburg (1), Augsburg, Hauptbahnhof (19), Augsburg, Staatstheater (15), Augsburg, Theater (4), Augustenfelder Straße (1), Aulnoye-Aymeries Gare SNCF (1), Aurisina municipio (1), Aurora (1), Autobusová stanica Košice (1), Autogara Militari (1), Av. Circunvalacion y Uruguay (1), Av. Circunvalacion y uruguay (1), Avalon Mall (1), Avan (Yerevan City) (1), Avenida Arquímedes (2), Avenida Autonomía (2), Avenida Ayacucho (1), Avenida Belzu (1), Avenida Benjo Cruz (3), Avenida Blanco Galindo (15), Avenida Centenario (2), Avenida Chacancalle (1), Avenida Chapare (1), Avenida Chilimarca (1), Avenida Chiquicollo (2), Avenida Circuito Bolivia (2), Avenida Circuncalación II (2), Avenida Circuncalación II Doctor Martín Cárdenas Hermosa (1), Avenida Circunvalación Beijing (2), Avenida Conchupata (1), Avenida Concordia (1), Avenida Cuenca Madre de Dios (1), Avenida Ecológica (2), Avenida Eliodoro Villazón (5), Avenida Ferrocarril (1), Avenida Gualberto Villarroel (5), Avenida Humberto Asin (1), Avenida Humberto Asín Rivero (1), Avenida Inca Camacho (1), Avenida Manuel Isidoro Belzu (1), Avenida Melchor Pérez de Olguín (1), Avenida Melchor Urquidi (1), Avenida Mártires de la Democracia (2), Avenida Panamericana (1), Avenida París (2), Avenida Pedro de Toledo (2), Avenida Pedro de la Gasca (1), Avenida Pedro deToledo (2), Avenida Potosí (1), Avenida Ramón Espinoza (1), Avenida República (2), Avenida Río Caine (2), Avenida Río Parapeti (2), Avenida San Juan Bautista De La Salle (1), Avenida San Rafael (1), Avenida Santa Cruz (2), Avenida Segunda (1), Avenida Sexta (4), Avenida Silala (1), Avenida Simon Bolivar (1), Avenida Suarez Miranda (1), Avenida Tadeo Haenke (1), Avenida Thomas Bata (1), Avenida Uncia (2), Avenida YPFB (1), Avenida de las Américas (1), Avenida del Ruiseñor (1), Aviation Parkway, 301 (1), Avignon (1), Avignon - Gare Routière (4), Avignon Gare TGV (1), Avinguda del Cid (1), Avion Shop. Park (1), Axminster (1), Ayana (1), Aystetten, West (3), Azurimaca (1), Aßlar Freizeitbad (2), Aéroport Toulon Hyères (1), BBS Wechloy (2), BG/GR border (1), BRCC (1), Babenhausen, Bahnhof (1), Bachman Station (1), Backnang ZOB Bstg. 5A (1), Baclaran (1), Bad Birnbach (1), Bad Düben, Heide Spa (1), Bad Friedrichshall (1), Bad Füssing (2), Bad Ischl Bahnhof (1), Bad Karlshafen (1), Bad Leonfelden (CZ/A border) (1), Bad Vöslau Bahnhof (1), Bad Wilhelmshöhe (1), Baden Bahnhof (1), Baden Wiener Straße (2), Bagong Silang (1), Baguio (1), Bahnhof Durlach (1), Bahnhof Glückstadt (1), Bahnhof Hilbersdorf (1), Bahnhof Klotzsche (1), Bahnhof Pirschheide (2), Bajo San Antonio (1), Bakersfield (1), Balagtas (1), Balatan (2), Balerno (1), Baliuag (1), Bamberg (2), Bamberg Am Bruderwald (1), Bamberg Bahnhof/Atrium (12), Bamberg Bahnhof/Ludwigstraße (1), Bamberg Bahnhof/Vorplatz (25), Bamberg Bug Campingplatz (1), Bamberg Hohes Kreuz (2), Bamberg Klinikum (2), Bamberg St. Urban (2), Bamberg Stauffenbergstraße (1), Bamberg ZOB (8), Bamberg ZOB/Promenade (1), Bandar Tun Razak (1), Bangor Bus Station (2), Bankstown Station, Stand D (1), Bannister Playing Fields (1), Barbusse Gare Routière (1), Barcelona (Zona Franca) (1), Barcelona Nord, Estació d'autobusos (1), Barcelone-Sants (1), Barcelonnette (1), Barendrecht, Opstelspoor Carnisselande (1), Bargen SH (1), Bargoed (1), Bariera Traian (2), Barnsley (3), Barrancas de Belgrano (2), Barrio Juan Lechin (1), Barrio Los Angeles (1), Barrio Villa Fatima (1), Barrio los pinos (1), Barwna (2), Basel Bad Bf (1), Basel SBB (2), Basel, Bahnhof SBB (1), Basingstoke (1), Batangas City Grand Central Terminal (1), Batıkent Metro (1), Baughurst (1), Bavorská (1), Bayonne (1), Bayonne, NJ (1), Bayrischzell, Bahnhof (2), Baška, Busbahnhof (1), Beach Haven (4), Beacon Heath (1), Bearwood (1), Beaurepaire - Gare Routière (3), Beaverton Transit Center (1), Bebelhof (2), Beckton Bus Station (1), Beek en Donk, Piet van Thielplein (1), Beelen, Osthoff (1), Beelitz (1), Bella Center St. (2), Bella Vista (1), Belle Isle Conservatory (1), Bellecour (1), Bellecour - Le Viste (2), Belleville Dr & Belleville Circle -Arbors at Belleville Apts. (1), Bellevue ST-ETIENNE (1), Bello Horizonte (1), Bellport (1), Belmon Metra Station (3), Belzu, Cochabamba (1), Bendigo railway station (1), Beneden-Leeuwen, Gemeentehuis (1), Bensheim Bahnhof (1), Benteler, Stukendamm (1), Berchem Station Perron 2 (4), Berduxstraße (1), Berea (Baltimore Cemetery) (1), Bergambacht, Busstation (1), Bergamo, Autostazione (1), Bergen op Zoom (1), Bergen op Zoom (NL) (1), Bergen op Zoom, Station (2), Bergsjön (1), Berkeley (University of California) (1), Berlin (2), Berlin Gesundbrunnen (1), Berlin Hauptbahnhof (3), Berlin Krumme Lanke, U-Bahnhof Onkel Toms Hütte, Bus-Haltestelle Siebenendenweg (1), Berlin Ostbahnhof (1), Berlin Rhoda-Erdmann-Park, Bus-Haltestelle Erdener Straße (1), Berlin Südkreuz (3), Berlin Tempelhofer Feld Eingang Tempelhofer Damm, S- und U-Bahnhof Tempelhof (1), Berlin ZOB (31), Berlin hbf (1), Berlin, Alexanderplatz (2), Berlin-Charlottenburg (1), Bermejo (1), Bern, Hauptbahnhof (1), Bernsteinstraße (1), Bertem Sint-Bernardus (1), Bertrange, Belle Etoile (1), Bertrange, Gemeng (1), Besançon-Viotte (2), Best, Station (2), Bestwig, Bahnhof (2), Beuningen, Kerk (2), Beuningen, Tiberiuslaan (1), Bevenrode (1), Beverly RiverLINE Station (1), Bexar St (1), Bexley Road / Crown Woods School (1), Bexleyheath Bus Garage (1), Bezau Busbahnhof (1), Bezau Seilbahn (1), Bf. Altona (2), Bf. Rahlstedt (1), Białobrzegi (1), Bicol Central Station (1), Biel-Benken BL, Brücke (2), Biel/Bienne, Bahnhof/Gare (1), Bielefeld (1), Bierbeek De Borre (1), Bieruń KWK Piast (1), Bietigheim ZOB (1), Big Mac Building (1), Bilbao-Concordia (1), Biloxi (2), Bilthoven, Station (1), Bingen (1), Birkfeld Busbahnhof (5), Birmingham New Street (2), Bishops Bridge (1), Biñan (1), Bjcc sheration Hotel uptwon District (1), Blackburn (1), Blandin Hub (1), Blaricum, Carpoolplaats (1), Bled, Nationalpark, Triglav (1), Blejska Dobrava (1), Blitterswijck, Oude Heerweg (1), Blois (1), Bochum Hauptbahnhof (1), Bochum Kirchharpener Straße (1), Boernerowo (1), Boletas Comunales del Autodiagnóstico Municipal, Comarapa enero de 2002 (1), Boletas Comunales del Autodiagnóstico Municipal, Comarapa enero de 2002; Mapa de áreas de acceso por comunidades censadas en el 2001, Bolivia 2012 (1), Boletas Comunales del Autodiagnóstico Municipal, Comarapa enero de 2002;Mapa de áreas de acceso por comunidades censadas en el 2001, Bolivia 2012 (14), Bolinao (1), Bollstanäs (Bollstanäs skola) (2), Bollène (1), Bologna, Autostazione (6), Bolton (3), Bolzano (1), Boncelles Carrefour (1), Bonifacio Global City (1), Bonn (1), Bonn, Museumsmeile (1), Boom Markt (1), Boom PTS (1), Bordeaux (3), Bordeaux, Terres de Borde (1), Bords de Seine (Asnières) (1), Borek Fałęcki (6), Borgo Nuovo (1), Boston (2), Boston South Station (1), Botafogo (1), Botanischer Garten (2), Boulevard de la Seine (1), Bourg-Saint-Maurice (1), Bourg-en-Bresse (1), Bournemouth (4), Bournemouth (East Cliff) (2), Bournemouth University (1), Boven-Hardinxveld, Station (1), Bow Church (1), Box Hill Station (1), Bracken Ridge (2), Braddock Metro (1), Braddock Rd Metro (1), Brakel, Weitjesweg (2), Braker (1), Brambauer Verkehrshof (1), Brand-Erbisdorf, Str d.Friedens/Schule (1), Brandbergens centrum (1), Branding/Finley (4), Bratislava (1), Bratislava ZOB (1), Bratislava (1), Bratislava, ZOB (3), Braunschweig (1), Braunschweig ZOB (1), Braunschweig, Hauptbahnhof (2), Brecon Interchange (1), Breda (1), Breddenvägen (1), Bregenz (1), Bregenz Bahnhof (2), Breitenberg (2), Bremen Hbf (1), Bremen ZOB Breitenweg (1), Bremen, Hbf. (2), Brennerstraße - Via Brennero (1), Brent Cross Shopping Centre (3), Bressuire (1), Brest, Gare Routière, Strasbourg Route de Quimper (1), Bridge of Don, at Shielhill Drive (1), Brielle, Busstation Rugge (1), Brighton Beach (1), Brisbane City (1), Brive-la-Gaillarde (2), Brixen (1), Brixen/Vahrn - Bressanone/Varna (1), Brno, autobusové nádraží Hotel Grand (2), Broadbeach South Station (3), Broadbeach Station (1), Broadstone (2), Bromley North Station (1), Brommaplan (1), Bronnbach (1), Bruchhausen-Vilsen (1), Brugge Station (2), Bruinisse, Dorp (1), Brussel Nord (1), Brussel, Gare Du Nord (1), Brussel-Noord (1), Brussels Airport-Zaventem (1), Bruxelles Gare Du Nord (1), Bruxelles-Midi (2), Bruz (Bruz Gare) (2), Bruz (Pont-Réan) (1), Brzeźnica Dworzec (1), Brühl Mitte (1), Buch (1), Buckden (1), Buckstones (1), Budapest, Kelenföld vasútállomás (2), Budapest, Népliget (6), Budapest, Újpest–Városkapu IV. kerület (2), Budapest-Nyugati (3), Buena Vista (3), Buendia (1), Buhi (1), Bulan Bus Terminal (1), Burgdorf (Kirchberg) (1), Burgebrach Abzweig Treppendorfer Straße (2), Burgebrach Einkaufsmarkt Hahner (3), Burgebrach Steigerwaldklinik Wende (1), Burgh-Haamstede (N57) (1), Burgweinting, Hermann-Höcherl-Straße (1), Burladingen Schulzentum (1), Burolo (1), Bury (1), Busbahnhof (3), Busbahnhof Fischen (1), Busch (1), Bussang Source de la Moselle (1), Bussum, Station (1), Buttapietra (1), Butterworth (1), Bydgoszcz, dworzec autobusowy (1), Bydgoszcz, dworzec autobusowy PKS (1), Bäckebol Norra (1), Bäckerholz (1), Bålsta (1), Bécsi út / Vörösvári út (1), Böblingen (1), Böblingen ZOB Bstg. 3 (1), Bödefeld, Post (1), Bödexen Wendeplatz (1), Böhmenkirch, Friedhof (2), Büchen, Schulzentrum (1), Bülach, Bahnhof (1), Bümmerstede (1), Bünde (1), Będzin Kościuszki (1), Błonie (1), Bến xe Nước Ngầm (1), Bệnh viện Nội tiết Trung ương cơ sở 2 (1), Bờ Hồ (1), CBD East Transfer Center (1), CBD West Transfer Center (2), CGM Arena/Stadion (1), CPH Lufthavn (1), Ca' Raffello (1), Caboolture Station (2), Cadenazzo (1), Cadidavid (5), Cagayan De Oro Eastern Transport Terminal (2), Caico Alto (1), Caihuasi (1), Caihuasi (Cruce RN4) (1), Caja Ferroviaria (1), Calajahuira (1), Calamvale (1), Calle 10 (1), Calle 16 de julio (1), Calle 2 (1), Calle 3 (1), Calle 7 (1), Calle 9 (1), Calle Abelia (1), Calle Achachairú (1), Calle Albert Einstein (4), Calle Alfredo Guillén (2), Calle Alipio Valencia Vega (2), Calle Antofagasta (2), Calle Antolín Salinas (2), Calle Augusto Guzman Martinez (1), Calle Avenida Arquímedes (1), Calle Beni (1), Calle Bolívar (1), Calle Bueno (1), Calle C. Serruto, Quillacollo (1), Calle Calamarca (1), Calle Camiri (8), Calle Canasita (1), Calle Canichana (1), Calle Capitán Luis Garcia (1), Calle Cardenal Richard James Cushing (1), Calle Caro (1), Calle Charles Darwin (1), Calle Ciudad del niño (1), Calle Cocoroco (1), Calle Colombia (1), Calle Combate de Chacaltaya (1), Calle Combate del Desaguadero (1), Calle Curupau (1), Calle Diego Veizaga (1), Calle Eric Asplund (1), Calle Esteban Arce (1), Calle Faustino Suarez (1), Calle Federico del Carpio (1), Calle Francia (1), Calle Francis Peyton Rous (2), Calle Francisco Anaya (1), Calle Francisco de Goya (1), Calle Gran Chaco (3), Calle Grover Suarez (2), Calle Gualberto Villaroel (1), Calle Héroes de Boquerón (1), Calle Ignacio Warnes (1), Calle Isla del Sol (1), Calle Ivan Bluske (1), Calle Jose Curtinas (1), Calle Jose Martinez (1), Calle José F. Guevara (1), Calle Juan Aldon (1), Calle La Cascada (1), Calle La Rioja (3), Calle Lalliy Pacha (1), Calle Las Begonias (1), Calle Las Buganvillas (1), Calle Libertad (1), Calle Lisandro Quiroga (1), Calle Litoral (28), Calle Los Olivos (1), Calle Lucia Alcocer (1), Calle Luis Zegarra (1), Calle M. Cossio (1), Calle Manuel Carrasco Jimenez (1), Calle Manuel P. Laredo (6), Calle Manuel Virreira (1), Calle María Luisa Pacheco (1), Calle María Nuñez del Prado (1), Calle Max Fernandez (1), Calle Mendoza (1), Calle Monseñor Óscar Arnulfo Romero (1), Calle Moxos (2), Calle Nicolás Maldonado (1), Calle Noruega (1), Calle Pablo Jaimes (1), Calle Parinacota (1), Calle Parque del Maestro (1), Calle Pascual Canaviri (1), Calle Paucarpata (1), Calle Pintumayu (1), Calle Pocona (3), Calle Poopó (3), Calle Portugal (1), Calle Pozo Petrolero Buena Vista (1), Calle Pozo de Gas Boquerón (1), Calle Provincia Barron (1), Calle Provincia F. Baldivieso (1), Calle Provincia Guarayos (1), Calle Pueblo de Machaca (1), Calle Qhochapampa (1), Calle R. Levano (1), Calle Raul Rivero Torres (2), Calle Raúl G. Prada (1), Calle República de Nicaragua (1), Calle Ricardo Mujia (1), Calle Ruminawi (1), Calle Río Rositas (1), Calle Sacaca (1), Calle Santo Domingo (1), Calle Serero Fernandez A. (1), Calle Serranía de Caíza (1), Calle Severino Salvatierra (1), Calle Severo Fernandez A. (1), Calle Sora Sora (1), Calle Sófocles (1), Calle T'ikallajta (1), Calle T. Achu (1), Calle Tres Chorros (1), Calle Trojes (2), Calle Tupac Katari (4), Calle Tupiyan (1), Calle Tómas Gamboa (1), Calle Valeriana (1), Calle Victor Paz Estenssoro (5), Calle Viena (1), Calle Villamontes (1), Calle Vitichi (1), Calle Volcán Tolima (1), Calle Wanka (1), Calle Wawaki (1), Calle Yanacuna (1), Camacho (1), Cambrai (1), Cambria Heights (2), Cambridge (1), Campanhã (1), Campus Hills Shopping Center (1), Campus Jungfernsee (2), Candelaria (1), Cannes (1), Cannes - Gare SNCF (1), Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral (1), Canterra (1), Canton (1), Capachos (1), Cape Transfer Center (1), Capitol Commons (1), Capitán Moreno (1), Caranavi (1), Cardiff Bus Station (1), Carey & Martin (1), Carmona (1), Carney (1), Carrefour (1), Cartonbol (1), Cary Depot (1), Cascina Gobba M2 (1), Casco (4), Casco del Minero (2), Castelldefels (Centre Vila) (1), Castlepoint (1), Castrop-Rauxel Castrop Münsterplatz (1), Castrop-Rauxel Ickern Markt (1), Cata Trans Center (2), Catachilla Baja (1), Cattinara (Ospedale) / Katinara (bolnišnica) (1), Cava Manara (2), Cavaillon (1), Cementerio General (1), Centenario (1), Center Moriches (2), Central (2), Central Station (3), Centralen (1), Cerbère (2), Cergy - Préfecture RER (1), Cerro Calomani (1), Ch'aska Rumi (1), Chadderton (1), Chadstone SC (1), Challapata (2), Chamblon, casernes (1), Chambéry (1), Chambéry - Gare Routière (1), Chambéry, Busbahnhof (1), Chambéry, Gare routière (1), Chamonix - Gare Routière Chamonix Sud (1), Champvent, Le Battoir (1), Chamrousse - Roche Béranger 1750 (1), Chancadora (1), Chancadora 3 (1), Chapi Khollu (1), Charitas (3), Charles Darwin (1), Chasquipampa (1), Chavagne (Croix Blanche) (1), Cheb, AN (1), Cheetham Hill (1), Chelsea (2), Cheltenham, Clarence Street (8), Cheltenham, Pates Grammar School (1), Chemnitz (1), Chemnitz ZOB (1), Chemnitz, Omnibusbahnhof (7), Chemnitz, Stadthalle (5), Chemnitz, Zentralhaltestelle (2), Chiaverano (1), Chicago Union Station (8), Chievo (1), Chilimarca (1), Chingford Station (1), Chippewa (1), Chiripujiio (1), Chiripujio (1), Chislehurst War Memorial (1), Chiswick Business Park (1), Chiñata (1), Chlumec (1), Chorley Bus Station (1), Choszczówka (1), Christchurch (1), Châlons-en-Champagne, Centre (1), Château (1), Château de Vincennes (1), Châtelet (1), Châtenois (1), Chão do Bispo (2), Cintré (Clos de la Vallée) (2), City (Queen Street) (2), City Hall (1), CityLine/Bush Station (1), Citylink Transit Center (1), Cityterminalen (5), Ciudad Satélite (3), Ciudad del niño (1), Clamart - Georges Pompidou (1), Clark International Airport (1), Cleburne Intermodal Depot (1), Clermont-Ferrand, Les Salins (1), Clichy-la-Garenne – Berges de Seine (1), Clifton Hill Interchange (1), Clonmel (1), Clotais (Champlan) (1), Cobija (Front Brasil) (1), Cochabamba (2), Colmar Gare (1), Colonia Parque Europa (1), Colroy-la-Grande (1), Columbus (1), Combuyo (1), Comunidad Montecato (1), Congleton (4), Congleton High School (1), Continental (1), Conway Terminal (3), Copacabana (1), Corazon de Jesus (1), Corbett Centre (1), Cork (St. Patrick's Quay) (1), Cortana Transit Center (1), Cota (1), County Hospital (2), Crailsheim Schulzentrum (1), Crailsheim-Ingersheim Bildstraße (1), Cranberry Plaza (1), Cras - Le Bourg (1), Crest (2), Crest - Gare SNCF (1), Crewe (1), Crikvenica, Busbahnhof (2), Crimmitschau (1), Cristo de la Concordia (1), Croy-Romainmôtier, gare (1), Cruce F3 (Yucumo) (1), Cruce Taquiña (1), Crystal City (2), Crystal Palace (1), Csepel, Szent Imre tér (3), Csu Transit Center (1), Cuatro Cañadas (1), Cubao (1), Cuchu Ingenio (1), Culemborg, Station (1), Cuneo, Movicentro (1), Cuxhaven ZOB (1), Czeladź Stare Miasto (1), Czerwone Maki P+R (7), Czułów Narcyzów (1), Czynszowa (1), Czyżkówko (1), Cífer (1), Dachau (S) (2), Daet (1), Daet Central Terminal (1), Dagenham Asda (1), Dalahican (1), Dalem, Beatrixlaan (1), Dallas College Mountain View Campus (1), Dallas/Fort Worth (2), Damen (1), Dandenong Station (1), Danderyds sjukhus (7), Dannenbaum Station (1), Danvers (1), Darmstadt, Hbf. (1), Darup, Abzweig Hövel (1), Darup, Schule (1), Dasmariñas (1), Dau Bus Terminal (1), Daun, ZOB (2), Davao City (2), De Panne (1), DeBarr & Muldoon NNE (1), Deagon (1), Debeli Brijeg (granica sa Hrvatskom) (1), Decin (1), Deggenhausertal (1), Dejvická (1), Del Popolo (4), Demetrio Canelas, Quillacollo (1), Den Haag, Leyenburg (1), Denton (1), Depart from Midtown Terminal (2), Depart from South Terminal @ Krenek Tap (1), Deposito Due Madonne 1 (1), Desaguadero (1), Dessau Hbf (1), Diamond Creek (1), Die (1), Dieppe (1), Dieselstraße (1), Diezenhalde (1), Digne-les-Bains - Gare Routière (3), Dimitrie Cantemir (1), Dirksland, Ziekenhuis (1), Disney Springs Transfer Center (1), Disney University (1), District 55 (1), Ditmars Boulevard/102 Street (1), Ditzingen Bf (1), Dixie & Summa (1), Djupdalen (1), Dolní Počernice (1), Domegliara (1), Dommeldange, Gare (1), Donauknoten (1), Donsol (1), Dooagh (1), Dora Halkier (1), Dordecht, Centraal Station (1), Dordrecht (3), Dordrecht, Centraal Station (2), Dordrecht, Laan van Europa (1), Dorfen, Bahnhof (2), Dornbirn Bahnhof (1), Dortmund Hauptbahnhof (1), Dortmund Lütgendortmund (1), Dortmund Mengede Bahnhof (1), Dortmund Reinoldikirche (1), Dortmund Scharnhorst Droote (2), Dortmund ZOB (1), Dortmund, Reinoldikirche (2), Dortmund, ZOB (3), Douai (1), Downtown (4), Downtown Connection Center (3), Downtown Dallas (6), Downtown Dallas/Parkland Station (3), Downtown Denton Transit Center (1), Downtown Flushing (1), Downtown Los Angeles (2), Downtown Santa Monica (1), Downtown Transit Center (1), Downtown Transit Terminal (1), Dr. Dennis Dunkins Transfer Center (1), Drachten Transferium Oost (3), Drachten, Himsterhout (2), Drammen (1), Dreischor, Dorp (2), Dresden (1), Dresden Hbf (Bayrische Straße) (2), Dresden, Ammons-/Budapester Straße (6), Dresden, Betriebshof Gorbitz (1), Dresden, Hbf. Bayrische Straße (1), Dresden, Leutewitz (1), Dresden, Pirnaischer Platz (4), Dresden, Prohlis Gleisschleife (1), Dreumel, Huize Barbara (1), Drispenstedt (1), Dronten, Station (1), Druseltal (1), Druten, Busstation (4), Dubec (5), Dublin (1), Dublin Airport (1), Dublin Airport (Zone 16) (1), Duchcov, nem. (1), Duffel Station (2), Duisburg Bissingheim Dorfplatz (1), Duisburg Duissern Ruhrau (1), Duisburg Ehinger Berg (1), Duisburg Großenbaum Buscher Straße (2), Duisburg Hauptbahnhof Osteingang (1), Duisburg Hochheide Markt (1), Duisburg Homberg (1), Duisburg Huckingen (1), Duisburg Huckingen St.-Anna-Krankenhaus (3), Duisburg Neumühl Buschhauser Straße (1), Duisburg Rahm S-Bahnhof (1), Duisburg Winkelhausen Bruchstraße (1), Duisburg Wolfssee (1), Dunakeszi, Barátság utca 39. (2), Dunakeszi, Vasútállomás (4), Dunakeszim Vasútállomás (1), Dunaújváros, autóbusz-állomás (1), Durham (1), Durlacher Tor (2), Dworzec Autobusowy Zachodni (11) (1), Dworzec Centralny (3), Dworzec Leśne (6), Dworzec Wschodni (Kijowska) (1), Dworzec autobusowy Warszawa Zachodnia (5), Dänischenhagen Teichkoppel (1), Démoret, haut du village (2), Düren Bahnhof/ZOB (1), Düren, Eupener Straße (1), Düsseldorf Hauptbahnhof (1), Düsseldorf Hubbelrath (1), Düsseldorf St.-Vinzenz-Krankenhaus (1), Düsseldorf ZOB (2), Dąbrowa Górnicza Gołonóg (1), Dąbrowa Górnicza Ząbkowice (1), E.D.F. (1), Eagle Way, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich (1), Ealing Hospital (2), East Midtown, Manhattan (1), East Northport (1), Eastchase & John T White - Anderson (1), Eastdale Mall (1), Eastfield Mall (1), Eberleplatz (1), Ebermannstadt (1), Ebersdorf (2), Ebersdorf, Brettmühle (1), Ebnat (1), Ebrach Marktplatz (6), Ebrach Waldrandparkplatz Radstein (4), Ecclesfield (1), Echterdingen Flughafen/Messe (SAB) (1), Edam (1), Edelhof bei Zwettl Fachschule (1), Edinburgh Airport (1), Edison Mall Transfer (1), Edmonds Station (2), Eds allé (Edsparken) (1), Eghezée Centre (1), Eglharting, Westring (2), Eidsvoll (1), Eindhoven (1), Eindhoven, Centraal Station (2), Eisbergen Ahmserorter Weg (1), Eisenberg, Busbahnhof (2), Eisenberg, Kaufland (1), Eisenberg, Krauseschule (1), Eketrägatan (2), El Abra (3), El Alto (2), El Paso (1), El Tejar (1), Elbinger Straße (West) (1), Elgersburg, Bahnhofstraße (3), Elielinaukio (9), Ellentalgymnasien (2), Elmshorn, Koppeldamm (1), Elsene Etterbeek Station (1), Elsene VUB Gebouw M inrit 11 (3), Elsterberg, Wende (1), Elsternwick Station (1), Elsterwerda (1), Eltham (1), Embken (1), Emden (1), Emersacker, Ortsmitte (1), Emmeloord Busstation (1), Emmerich Bahnhof (1), Emsdetten, Bahnhof (1), Encanto Pampa (3), Engelburg, Dorfplatz (1), Engeltofta (1), Entre Rios (1), Eppegem Station (1), Ercsi, Dózsa György út (1), Erding (S) (4), Erding, Berufsschule (1), Erfurt, Busbahnhof (2), Eriksberg (1), Erith Quarry / Fraser Road (1), Erith Town Centre / Riverside (1), Eschenbach SG, Dorftreff (1), Escondido Transit Center (1), Eskulapa (2), Eslövs station (1), Esmeralda (1), Essen Altendorf Schölerpad (1), Essen Borbeck Bahnhof (1), Essen, Hbf. (4), Essen-Bergeborbeck Hornbach (1), Esslingen (N) ZOB (2), Estació del Nord - Castelló (1), Estación Faro Murillo (1), Estación de Transferencia Puente Saavedra (1), Estadio Colcapirhua (1), Estero Blvd @ Lovrs Key Main Ent (1), Estrecho (1), Esztergom (1), Etten-Leur, Centrum (1), Eupen Bahnhof (1), Euren (Trier), Helenenbrunnen (1), EuroAirport Basel (1), Europe (1), Europoort (1), Europäische Schule (1), Euskirchen Bahnhof (1), Euston Bus Station (1), Everberg Aan de Leeuwen (1), Ex Terminal de Buses (1), Ex-METABOL (1), Exeter St Davids (2), Exwick (1), FHWS (Sanderheinrichsleitenweg) (1), FL State Line (1), FTI (1), Failsworth (1), Fairview (3), Fairview Transfer Center (1), Fairville Boulevard Plaza (1), Falckensteiner Straße (2), Falkenberg (Elster) (1), Falkensee, Bahnhof (8), Falkensee, Bahnhof/Süd (2), Falkensee, Finkenkrug West (1), Far Rockaway (2), Fashion Place West Station (1), Fayet Centre Commercial (1), Feldahornweg (1), Felipe II (2), Fellbach Alte Kelter (1), Final C. Jaen (1), Final Oeste América (1), Final Velasco (1), Final Vicuña (1), Final calle 9 de bajo san antonio sector llanos altura cancha (1), Finsterwalde (1), Fischbachau, Ort (Parkplatz) (2), Fitzhugh & Stalcup (1), Fjerdingby (1), Flach (1), Flagstaff (1), Flagstaff, AZ (1), Flamands (1), Flemma (1), Flensburg (1), Flensburg Bahnhof (8), Flensburg ZOB (7), Flensburg, Bhf. (1), Flintholm St. (1), Florence Transit Center (1), Florenz, Piazzale Montelungo (1), Florenz, Villa Costanza (6), Florida (1), Flughafen, P44/LabCampus (2), Flughafen, Terminal 2 (1), Flughafen/Messe (SAB) (1), Flygelvägen (1), Flüelen Gruonbach (1), Fonseca (3), Footscray Station (1), Forchheim Realschule (3), Forest Hills Union Turnpike (1), Forest Lake (1), Fort Lauderdale (1), Fort McHenry (1), Fort Montbarey (1), Fort William (1), Fort Worth Central (1), Fort Worth Central Station (3), Fort Worth Intermodal Transportation Center (1), Fortín Ávalos Sánchez (1), Fracazzole (1), Framlingham (1), Frankenberg (1), Frankenberg, Humboldtstr (1), Frankfurt (Main) (1), Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof (2), Frankfurt (Main) Hbf (5), Frankfurt am Main, Hbf. (1), Franklin Rooseveltplaats Perron 14 (1), Frankston railway station (1), Frasses / Gonrat (1), Frauenfeld, Bahnhof (1), Fredrikssund Station (1), Freeport LIRR (2), Freiberg, Forstweg/Max-Planck-Str (2), Freiburg (1), Freiburg (Breisgau) Hauptbahnhof (1), Freiburg im Breisgau, Hbf./ZOB (1), Freisbach Domherrenplatz (1), Freising (S) (1), Frensdorf Bahnhof (1), Fresno State University (1), Fresno/Bakersfield (1), Fresta (1), Fribourg (3), Fribourg/Freiburg, Gare Routière (1), Friedberg West P+R (1), Front Street Station (1), Frölunda Torg (2), Fuente sobre la populacíon: Boletas Comunales del Autodiagnóstico Municipal, Comarapa enero de 2002 (1), Fuente sobre la populacíon: Boletas Comunales del Autodiagnóstico Municipal, Comarapa enero de 2002;Mapa de áreas de acceso por comunidades censadas en el 2001, Bolivia 2012 (1), Fulda Stadtschloss (1), Fulwood (1), Furuset T (1), Félix Capriles (1), Fót, Munkácsy Mihály utca (2), Fürstenau (1), G. K. Butterfield Center (1), G.P. Dubrava Križovljanska (gr. R. Slovenije) (1), GR-3424 (1), Gablenzplatz (1), Gais (1), Gallarate (1), Gallions Reach Shopping Park (1), Gallipoli, Parcheggio Cimitero (1), Galway (2), Gara C.F.R. (1), Gara Progresul (1), Gardens Mall (4), Gare (1), Gare Anyama (1), Gare Centrale - Centraal Station (1), Gare Part-Dieu - Villette (4), Gare Part-Dieu - Vivier Merle (3), Gare Routière (2), Gare Routière d'Alès (1), Gare Routière de Nîmes (1), Gare Routière de Perrache (1), Gare Saint-Lazare (1), Gare Saint-Paul (1), Gare St Jean (1), Gare d'Aubergenville-Élisabethville (2), Gare de Chelles Gournay (1), Gare de La Verrière - Gare de Rambouillet (1), Gare de Lagny (1), Gare de Lagny Thorigny (2), Gare de Linkebeek - Station Linkebeek (1), Gare de Vaires Torcy (Sud) (1), Gare de Vaucresson (1), Gare de la Celle Saint-Cloud (1), Gare du Nord - Noordstation (5), Gară (2), Gasak (1), Gaurettersheim (1), Gayton Road / Abbey Wood Station (1), Gazi Bulvarı/Orhanlı (1), Gazonfier (1), Gdynia, dworzec autobusowy (1), Geel Station (1), Geelong (1), Geertruidenberg (1), Geervliet (1), Geising, Bahnhof (1), Geislingen (Steige), ZOB (4), Geislingen an der Steige (1), Geithain, Bahnhof (1), Geldermalsen (1), Geldermalsen, Station (2), Geldern Bahnhof (1), Geldrop, Ziekenhuis Hoofdingang (1), Gemert, Pastoor Poellplein (1), Gemert, Slenk/Lopense (1), Genarp (1), Gendarmerie (1), Genf, Internationaler Busbahnhof (3), Genève - Aéroport (1), Genève-Aéroport, gare routière (1), Gerbrunn (1), Germersheim Bahnhof (1), Germersheim Stadthalle (1), Germersheim, Bahnhof (1), Germersheim, Stadthalle (1), Gerstetten, Wartehalle (1), Geseke, Bahnhof (1), Geseke, Schulzentrum West (1), Gessertshausen, Bahnhof (2), Giessenburg, Regthuis (1), Ginnick (1), Glan-Münchweiler Bahnhof (1), Gleisdorf Bahnhof (6), Gleisdorf Busbahnhof (2), Glenbrook Mall (Meets Route 8) (1), Glenn Heights Park & Ride (1), Gletterens, Lac (1), Gliwice Centrum Przesiadkowe (1), Globus (1), Gloucester Green Bus Station (1), Glücksburg ZOB (3), Gmund, Bahnhof (6), Gmunden Busbahnhof (J.E.Habertstraße) (1), Gocławek (1), Golders Green Station (2), Golm (1), Gompitz, Gompitzer Höhe (2), Goranec (1), Gordon Heights (1), Gorinchem (1), Gorinchem, Station (3), Gorinchem, Viaduct A15/Gomarus (2), Gorinchen, Station (1), Gossau SG, Bahnhof (1), Gossau SG, Mettendorf (1), Gotha (1), Gottscheina (1), Goucher & Taylor (2), Goudswaard, Dorp (3), Gołonóg Aleja Piłsudskiego (1), Gołonóg Manhattan (1), Grabie Pętla (1), Grafing Bahnhof (S) (4), Granada (1), Grand Island (1), Granges-près-Marnand, gare (2), Gratiot & 15 Mile (2), Grave Busstation (1), Gravesend (1), Graz Jakominiplatz (10), Graz Rosarium (2), Graz Schulzentrum St. Peter (1), Green Acres Mall (2), Green Lane / Belmont Lane (1), Green Line Coach Station (1), Green Mountain Transit (1), Greenfield (1), Greifswald, Klinikum (1), Grenoble (1), Grenoble - Gare Routière (9), Grenoble Gare Routière (1), Grenoble, Busbahnhof (8), Grenoble, Gare routière (7), Griesheim (1), Grimma (1), Grimma, Bahnhof (2), Groenendaal Station (1), Groningen Hoofdstation (1), Groot Ammers (1), Ground Transportation Center (1), Grouse Mountain (1), Großberg, Studentenstadt (1), Grub (bei Schönbrunn im Steigerwald) Ortsmitte (1), Grubweg-Lindau (1), Grunewald, Roseneck (1), Gräfelfing, Finkenstraße (2), Gräfenberg Bahnhof (1), Gräfinau, Gemeinde (4), Grömitz, Markt (Lübecker Bucht) (1), Guadagnolo (1), Guadalajara (2), Guaqui (2), Guillestre (2), Guinobatan (1), Gunnesbo (1), Gustavsvik (1), Gut Katzensee (1), Gutau (1), Guttenhofen (1), Gymnasio Empas (Mathitiki) (1), Gäsi (1), Gävle (2), Gårdstånga (1), Gödöllő, autóbusz-állomás (1), Göggingen Bergstraße (1), Göggingen, Rathaus (1), Göhren, Rügen (1), Göteborg, Nils Ericson Terminalen (2), Göttinger Bogen (1), Gößweinstein (1), Haacht Don Bosco (1), Haag, Bräuhausplatz (2), Haar (S) (5), Haasrode Brabanthal (2), Hagenberg (1), Hainault Street (3), Hainichen (1), Hainichen-Crumbach, Gewerbegebiet (1), Halberger Hütte B (1), Haldensleben, ZOB (2), Hallbergmoos, Lilienthalstraße (2), Halle(Saale) ZOB (1), Hals-Hochstein (1), Hamburg Hbf (2), Hamburg ZOB (13), Hamburg, ZOB (2), Hamburg-Altona (2), Hamm (Westf) Pbf (1), Hamm, Rue de Bitbourg (1), Hamme-Mille Maison Vicinale (1), Hammersmith Bus Station (1), Hamont Kerk (1), Hangelar Ost (1), Hank, Kerkstraat (1), Hanley (1), Hann. Münden (1), Hannover ZOB (2), Hans-Löffler-Straße (1), Hardwick Road (1), Harkskär (1), Harlesiel, Anleger (1), Harlingen Veerbootterminal (2), Haro (1), Harrogate (1), Harrow Bus Station (2), Harrow Weald Bus Garage (1), Hatterwüsting (1), Hattstedt, Schule (1), Haughton Green (1), Hauptbahnhof (8), Hauptbahnhof D (1), Hausen an der Lauchert (1), Hauzenberg, Busbahnhof (1), Havelpark (3), Hazel Grove (1), Heathrow Terminal 4 (1), Heathrow Terminal 5 (1), Hebden Bridge (1), Heerenveen Busstation (6), Heerlen, Station (1), Heidelberg, Hbf (1), Heidenau, Bahnhof (1), Heidenheim, ZOH (4), Heidingsfeld Winterhäuser Straße (1), Heigenbrücken, Bahnhof (1), Heimerzheim Fronhof (1), Heinersdorf (3), Heinävesi (1), Helensburgh Central (1), Hellevoetsluis, Amnesty Internationallaan (3), Hellevoetsluis, Kickersbloem (2), Hellevoetsluis, Winkelcentrum (2), Helmond, Station (1), Helsingor (1), Hemmesta vägskäl (1), Hennef (1), Henriksdal (1), Hermagor Bahnhof (1), Herrenberg (1), Herrenberg ZOB Bstg. C (1), Herrmann-Debroux (1), Herrnsdorf Abzweig Frensdorf (1), Hertzallee (3), Herukka (2), Hervanta (2), Herzogin-Elisabeth-Straße (2), Hessenwinkel, Dämeritzstraße (1), Hettenleidelheim Parkplatz Marktplatz (1), Hettstadt (1), Hetzdorf, Klinik (5), Heusweiler Markt (1), Heyda (2), Highland (1), Hildesheim (2), Hillend (1), Hillsborough (1), Hilversum, Station (2), Hilversum, Ziekenhuis Tergooi Hoofdingang (1), Hingham Depot (1), Hipódromo Sud (1), Hirschaid Bahnhof (1), Hirschaid Realschule (1), Hirschwang Raxseilbahn (B27) (1), Hito 18 (Front Chile Tambo Quemado) (1), Hjalmar Brantingsplatsen (2), Hlavní nádraží (1), Hoegaarden Station (1), Hofsgrund Sport Rees (1), Hohenbrunn, Hubertusstraße (1), Hollerich, P+R Bouillon (1), Holles Street (1), Hollywood Studios (1), Holnis Wendeplatz (2), Holzminden Bahnhof (1), Homborch (1), Homerton Hospital / Wardle Street (1), Hooksiel, Außenhafen (1), Hooksiel, ZOB (3), Horgen, Bahnhof (1), Hospital Ipiranga (1), Howard Beach (1), Hoykenkamp (1), Hranečník (1), Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou-Šanov (1), Huachi Rancho (1), Huajara (1), Huajara II (1), Hubland (1), Hubland (Universitätszentrum) (1), Huddersfield (3), Hude (1), Hujara 2 (2), Humboldtplatz (1), Hunting Point (1), Hutholz (1), Hyannis Transportation Center (Htc) (2), Hylan Bl/Richmond Av (1), Hyères (1), Häfnerhaslach (1), Hämeenkylä (1), Häslach Rathaus (2), Hôpital (2), Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou (1), Hôpital Lyon Sud (1), Höchstadt Realschule (1), Höchstadt Schillerplatz (1), Höxter (2), Höxter Bahnhof / Rathaus (3), Höör (1), Højby (1), Hüttenheim Mannesmann Tor 2 (1), I-35W at Altamesa Blvd (1), IBM (1), IJsselstein, Binnenstad (1), IL 53/83rd Street (1), ITOS (3), Ieper Station (2), Ikea Brent Park / Panther Drive (1), Ilkley (1), Illataco (2), Ilmenau, Busbahnhof (15), Ilmenau, Krankenhausstraße (2), Ilmenau, NPI (1), Ilmenau, TU Mensa (1), Immenbusch (1), Imotski, Busbahnhof (1), Inca Pozo (2), Industrial Park (1), Infocal (1), Ingolstadt Hbf (2), Ingolstadt, Brückenkopf (2), Innstadt-Achleiten (1), Inovel Parc Nord (1), Ins (1), Institut Saint-Dominique (Mortefontaine) (1), Interlaken Ost (3), Intermodal Center (1), Intfor (1), Inwood/Love Field Station (1), Ipoh (1), Ipswich (1), Ipswich Hospital (2), Ipswich Railway Station, Burrell Road, Ipswich (1), Ipswich Station (1), Ipswich Tower Ramparts Bus Station (Stand AA) (1), Ipswich Town Centre (8), Irincollo (1), Irpavi (1), Irpavi II (1), Ithaca (1), Itzum (1), Itäkeskus (2), Itäkeskus (M) (1), Ivanovac (1), Ivirgarzama (1), Ivrea (Movicentro) (4), Ivrea (Via Saudino) (1), Ivy Dene (1), Izeaux - Le Chambard (1), Iška vas (1), J.V. Villa Viscachani (1), JFK Employee Parking (1), JR Hospital (1), Jacaranda, Quillacollo (1), Jakomäki (1), Jamaica Bus Terminal (2), Jamaica Center (3), Jambes (1), Jasna (1), Jawiszowice (1), Jefferson Park (1), Jena, Westbahnhof (1), Jeumont (1), Jever, ZOB/Bahnhof (4), Jižní Město (1), Jodoigne Gare d'Autobus (1), Johann-Hösl-Straße (1), Johannes-Kepler-Platz (1), John Radcliffe Hospital (2), Johns Hopkins Hospital (6), Johnson County Community College Carlsen Center (1), Jokiniemi (1), Joliet Metra (4), Jona, Buech Industrie (1), Jordbro station (1), Jouy-en-Josas - Trois Canards (1), Juliuspromenade (1), Junkersring (1), Jäkärlä (2), Järntorget (1), József Attila utca (2), Jüterbog (1), KASHMERE TC (1), Kaarina (2), Kaijonharju (1), Kalajahuira (1), Kalmar, Centralstation (1), Kalteneck, Bahnhof (1), Kamp-Lintfort Neues Rathaus (1), Kamppi (2), Kansas City Union Station (1), Kanzlerfeld, Paracelsusstraße (1), Kappeln (Schlei) ZOB (1), Kapuściska (1), Kareby korsväg (1), Karesuando (1), Karl-Marx-Siedlung (1), Karlsfeld, Gartenstraße (1), Karlsruhe (2), Karlsruhe Hauptbahnhof (1), Karlsruhe, Hbf. Südseite (4), Kassel Bahnhof Wilhelmshöhe (1), Kassel Calden Flughafen Terminal (1), Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe (1), Kastrup St. (1), Katowice (1), Katowice Piotra Skargi (2), Katowice Sądowa (1), Katowice Zawodzie Centrum Przesiadkowe (2), Kašina (1), Kearny Mesa (1), Keele (1), Kelheim, Wöhrdplatz/Zentrum (1), Kencom (1), Kentwood Station - Woodland (1), Kerava (1), Keravan asema (1), Kersbach (1), Kertosono railway station (1), Keskusta (1), Kew (2), Kieferngarten (1), Kiekrz (5), Kiel ZOB (1), Kiel, Interims-ZOB (1), Kilb Volksschule (3), Kilcullen (1), Kildare (1), Kiln Lane Sainsbury's (2), Kinson (2), Kippa-Ring (1), Kirchbach im Gailtal Ortsmitte (1), Kirchberg an der Raab Pfarrheim (5), Kirchberg, Poutty Stein (1), Kirchberg, Rehazenter (2), Kirchheim (1), Kirchheim (T) ZOB (1), Kirchzarten Schulzentrum (1), Kiribathgoda (1), Kirkka (1), Kista centrum (1), Kivistö (4), Kjeller (1), Klagenfurt, ZOB (1), Klausdorf, Schule (1), Kleinbobritzsch (1), Kleinbuchfeld (1), Klinikum (3), Klinikum BKH (1), Kloster Blankenburg (3), Klostergården C (1), Knutsford (3), Kobylniki/Tarnowska (1), Kohlbruck / Erlebnisbad (2), Kohlstein (1), Kohmo (2), Kojetín (1), Koksikatu (1), Koninklijk Atheneum (1), Konstancin-Jeziorna, Pańska (2), Konstanz (1), Kopanka Pętla (3), Kopenhagen Ingerslevsgade (2), Koper (2), Korso (1), Kortenberg Rijkswacht (1), Kosciuszko Bridge (1), Koło (2), Kraftwerk Tiefstack (1), Krakau, Busbahnhof MDA (2), Kraków Główny (1), Kraków, dworzec autobusowy MDA (3), Kralenriede, Wartheweg (2), Kreischa, Am Mühlgraben (1), Kreuth ob Rattendorf (1), Krieau (1), Kristianstad (1), Kristiansund (3), Kromme Nol (2), Krumbach Omnibusbahnhof (1), Krupka, Vrchoslav, točna (1), Krusau/DK (1), Krusenbusch (2), Krzęcin Pętla (1), Královo Pole, nádraží (1), Kröpcke (1), Kues, Forum (3), Kuhankuono, Kurjenrahkan kansallispuisto (1), Kullaviks hamn (1), Kulomäki (2), Kupfermühle/Grenze (1), Kurjenrahkan kansallispuisto (1), Kurort Altenberg, Bahnhof (1), Kurort Kipsdorf, Bahnhof (1), Kurort Oberwiesenthal, Am Bahnhof (1), Kurort Oberwiesenthal, Bahnhof (1), Kurort Oberwiesenthal, Fichtelberg-Plateau (1), Kuřim, železniční stanice (1), Kylmäoja (1), Köln, Flughafen (1), Kötschach Alter Bahnhof (1), Kötschach-Mauthen Alter Bahnhof (1), Københavns Lufthavn (1), Küchwald (1), Kühlungsborn, Bhf. Ost (2), L'Hospitalet de L. (Pubilla Cases) (1), L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (1), L'Onde - Maison des Arts (1), LGW (1), La Concordia (1), La Cumbre (1), La Côte-Saint-André - Place Hector Berlioz (1), La Défense (1), La Gran Plaza Transfer Center (1), La Maica Chica (1), La Morte - Station La Blache (1), La Neuveville, poste (1), La Palizada (1), La Paz (Plaza Murillo) (1), La Pointe (1), La Ravoire - L.P. Nivolet (1), La Roquebrusanne (2), La Serena Calicanto (1), La Trobe University (2), La vie (1), LaGuardia Airport (1), Laakirchen Schulen (1), Lackawanna Transit Center (1), Laggenbeck, Brockschmidt (1), Lagos (2), Laguna Alalay (1), Laidley Transit Mall (2), Lambach (1), Lamme, Backhausweg (1), Lamme, Lammer Busch (2), Lanaken Cultureel Centrum (2), Lancaster Mall (1), Landau Uni/Alter Messplatz (1), Landau, Hbf/ZOB (1), Landiers Nord / Cévennes (1), Langballig, Nordstraße (1), Langen Albert-Einstein-Schule (2), Langeweg, Drie Hoefijzers (1), Langschwarza Gebhartser Straße (1), Lankenauer Höft (1), Laoag (1), Larcy (1), Largo Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa (1), Largo da Concordia (1), Las Cabañas (1), Las Vegas (2), Las Villas (1), Lauchheim Schule (1), Lausanne (2), Lausanne P+R Vélodrome (1), Lauttasaaren kirkkko (1), Lava Lava Alta (1), Laßbergstraße (5), Laßnitzhöhe Am Quellenhof (1), Le Cinéma (2), Le Corbusier FIRMINY (1), Le Croisic (1), Le Donon (1), Le Havre (1), Le Hury (1), Le Verdon, Pointe de Grave (2), Lea Bridge Road / Upper Clapton Road (1), Lecce, Piazzale Carmelo Bene (1), Ledde, Schule (1), Leeds (1), Leerdam (2), Leerdam, Huis ter Leede (1), Leerdam, Lingepolikliniek (1), Leerdam, Station (2), Leeuwarden Busstation (5), Legazpi City Bus Terminal (1), Legionowo, Mickiewicza (2), Lehndorf (1), Leiferde (3), Leigh Bus Station (2), Leinelä (1), Leipzig Hbf (1), Leipzig, Hbf. (3), Leipzig-Seehausen (1), Lekkerkerk, De Loet (1), Lembach Gemeindehaus (2), Lengefeld, Schule (1), Lengfeld, Deutenhof (2), Lenham (1), Lent, Thermion Oost (1), Lentoasema (1), Leppävaara (1), Les Courtilles (1), Les Prés-d'Orvin, Le Grillon (1), Les Sables d'Olonnes (1), Letňany (1), Leuven Gasthuisberg Kliniek (1), Leuven Sellekensstraat (1), Leuven Station (1), Leuven Station Perron 12 (1), Leuven Station Perron 14 (1), Leuven Station Perron 7 (1), Leverkusen (2), Lewisham Station (1), Leytonstone Station (2), Libertador (4), Libramont Clinique (1), Libramont Gare - Quai 2 (2), Libramont I.S.J. Bonance (1), Lido di Jesolo (1), Liempde, Raadhuisplein (1), Lieto (1), Liezen Busbahnhof (1), Liljeholmen (1), Lille (2), Lille Europe (1), Lillestrøm (1), Lillestrøm bussterminal (1), Liloan (2), Limbach-Oberfrohna, Westend (1), Limerick (1), Limeside (1), Limoges Ciel (3), Lincolnia (1), Lind ob Velden Ortsmitte (1), Lindenau, Bushof (1), Linthmündung (1), Linz (3), Linz Hauptbahnhof (1), Linz voestalpine (5), Linz, Hbf. (Wissensturm) (1), Lipperode, Schulstraße (1), Lippstadt, Bustreff Bahnhof (6), Liptovský Mikuláš (1), Lisboa (Estação Oriente) (1), Lisboa (Oriente) (1), Lisboa (Sete Rios) (1), Litoral (1), Litoral, Cochabamba (3), Littoinen (2), Liège Opéra (2), Lièpvre (2), Ljubljana, Busbahnhof (2), Llave Grande (1), Loganholme (1), Loma Pampa (2), Lomas de Santa Bárbara (1), London (2), London King's Cross (8), London St. Pancras (1), London Victoria (3), Londra (1), Long Island City (1), Lopik, Vrijheidslaan (1), Loranze' Alto (1), Lordemão (1), Lorient, Gare d'Échanges (1), Lorton (1), Los Angeles (2), Los Angeles (Hollywood / Highland) (1), Los Angeles (University of California) (1), Los Angeles Mission College (1), Los Angeles Union Station (4), Los Ceibos (2), Los Pinos (1), Lotnisko (1), Lougheed Station (1), Louisburgh (1), Louky, točna (1), Loures (Centro Comercial) (1), Loyola at Perdido (1), Lubine (1), Lucena City Grand Central Terminal (3), Luckenpaint (1), Ludwigshafen ZOB (1), Lund Bankgatan (2), Lund C (3), Lund Universitetssjukhuset (2), Lund, Busbahnhof (1), Lutherstadt Wittenberg (1), Luxembourg (2), Luxembourg, Place de la Constitution (1), Lynn Valley (1), Lynx Central Station (1), Lynx Kissimmee Intermodal Station (1), Lyon - Gare Routière Perrache (1), Lyon, Aéroport (1), Lyon, Flughafen (2), Lyon, Perrache (1), Lyon-Perrache (1), Lysolaje (1), Löberöd Torget (1), Löbtau, Ebertplatz (1), Löhne (1), Lørenskog sentrum (1), Lübben (4), Lübeck, Hbf. Beim Retteich (1), Lüdermünd (1), MCU (1), MLK @ Texas Ave. (1), MLK Station (1), MLK, Jr Station (1), MSC (1), Maasbommel (1), Maaseik Van Eycklaan (1), Maastricht (grens België) (1), Maastricht Station, Meerssenerweg (1), Maastricht, Station (1), Macclesfield (3), Machacamarca (1), Machacamarquita (Cruce F1) (1), Machelen Cargo Discount Parking (1), Machtenstein (1), Madrid (2), Madrid, Estación Sur de Autobuses (1), Magdeburg, Hauptbahnhof (1), Magic Kingdom Cast Bus Station (1), Maica Central (2), Maica Quenamari (1), Maica Sud (1), Mailand, Flughafen Malpensa Terminal 2 (1), Mailand, Lampugnano (2), Main & Market (2), Mainz-Altstadt, Brückenplatz (2), Mainz-Gonsenheim, Wildpark (1), Mainz-Gonsenheim, Wilhelm-Raabe-Straße (1), Mainz-Hartenberg/Münchfeld Ketteler-Kolleg (1), Mainz-Hartenberg/Münchfeld, Ketteler-Kolleg (1), Mainz-Hechtsheim Frankenhöhe (2), Mainz-Laubenheim Rüsselsheimer Allee (1), Mainz-Lerchenberg Hindemithstraße (1), Mainz-Mombach Am Lemmchen (1), Mainz-Neustadt Goetheplatz (1), Mainz-Weisenau, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße (3), Mairie de Vélizy (1), Malenovice, Masarykova (1), Mallco Chapi (2),